Blame it on the Champagne (Blame it on the Alcohol #1) - Fiona Cole Page 0,55

united front against Lorenzo.

Victory surged—a win I hadn’t planned on gaining. One I hadn’t even considered. I had no doubt that at some point, I would take Mariano Shipping out from under Lorenzo’s feet, but to also take his daughter? That was a prize I didn’t even think to play for.

A prize that fell into my lap, and I took without thought.

“Verana,” Lorenzo growled. “This—”

“Lorenzo,” another guest greeted jovially. He approached with his hand out, a warm smile in place, completely oblivious to the tension brewing. “It’s good to see you again and at such a happy occasion.”

Lorenzo shook his hand, shifting his mood to the winning businessman he was believed to be. “Andrew, it’s good to see you. And yes, such a happy event.”

“Nicholas,” Andrew greeted. “Thank you for the invite. It’s always good to get out and see everyone outside of typical business. Laura sends her best but is home with the newborn.”

“Of course. I hope she can make it to the wedding.”

“Oh, definitely. She let me know I could stay home with the baby if we didn’t find a sitter.” He laughed and turned to Vera, clear affection in his eyes. “Verana, I can’t believe you’re getting married. I can still remember you running around at the galas, sneaking cake.”

She laughed at the shared memory. “I think I recall you stealing some with me.”

“I was a young pup, fresh from college. Cake helped ease the nerves.”

Jealousy pierced my chest.

Those should have been my memories. These should have been my acquaintances. I should have grown up among the elite in shipping at charity galas. Instead, it had been snatched from my family before we had the chance.

“I’m happy for you. Nicholas is a good man, but probably not good enough for you,” he joked, nudging me with his elbow.

Despite not having grown up with everyone, I’d made a name for myself in the past few years. I’d carved my way back in, and this time, I planned to cut Lorenzo out.

“Definitely not good enough for her.”

I wrapped my fingers around her waist, settling on the curve of her hip, pulling her close to my side. With everyone’s eyes on us, she couldn’t pull back, and I had every intention of touching her every chance I could get.

“I should mingle,” Lorenzo muttered. “Andrew, it was good to see you again.” He gave Vera and me a curt nod and turned to go, snagging a glass of champagne on his way.

“I guess I should leave you two to greet everyone and follow Lorenzo’s cue. Even when it isn’t business, it’s still business.”

“It always is,” Vera agreed with a rueful smile.

Andrew hugged Vera and shook my hand with another congratulations, leaving us alone.

However, as soon as he left, her two friends took his place.

“So, how was daddy dearest?” Raelynn asked.

“He was fine,” Vera answered.

“You’re so full of shit, but I’ll allow it.”

“Ladies,” I greeted.

“Hello, Nicholas,” Raelynn greeted. Nova smiled softly.

The three women made a hell of a triad. Raelynn, the bold one who probably got them in the most trouble. Nova, the quiet one who followed along, picking up any messes so they wouldn’t get caught. And then Vera, the one somewhere in between. Prim and polite but hiding a side that got set free when Raelynn was around.

“This place is beautiful. I can’t believe you’re living here,” Nova said.

“Lucky bitch,” Raelynn added. “It’s always so hard to find good real estate around Central Park. And one with event spaces available? A needle in a haystack.”

“I haven’t moved in yet.”

“Why not?” Raelynn asked, looking me up and down with a raised brow. I felt like a piece of meat being sized up for a meal.

Vera laughed uncomfortably but managed to glare at the same time. Nova shoved Raelynn with her elbow, and the three had a silent argument before Raelynn rolled her eyes, deciding to drop the question.

“So, Nicholas. Are you going to take care of our girl?”

Vera and Raelynn turned wide eyes to Nova, who looked like a prudish mother deciding if I was good enough for her precious child.

“As much as she will allow me to.”

Nova’s lips tightened as if holding back a laugh. “Good.”

“But the real question is…”

Vera’s eyes widened, swiveling to Raelynn, and I braced myself for whatever would come from the bold woman’s mouth.

“Will you fuck her well?”

“Jesus. Stop,” Vera whisper-yelled, looking around to see who else might have heard.

I met Raelynn’s challenging stare, answering her honestly. All while issuing my own challenge to Vera. “As Copyright 2016 - 2024