Blame It on the Bikini - By Natalie Anderson Page 0,42

If he was ‘frustrated’, why wasn’t he happy to see her here now? ‘Why are you feeling bad?’ she asked softly, stepping closer. ‘It was a great night. I loved every second of it. Everyone else did too.’

‘This isn’t why I did it.’ He spoke low and rough. ‘I just wanted you to have some fun.’

‘I did,’ she answered. ‘And I’d like some more.’

‘Lauren said not to mess with you. That you’re fragile.’

Shock hit, embarrassment soon followed and both burned. What else had Lauren said? ‘Do I look fragile to you?’

‘Not on the outside, but that vase didn’t seem that fragile either and it still broke when I dropped it.’

‘You’re not going to get the opportunity to drop me,’ she said. ‘I only want what’s left of tonight. I don’t want anything more. I’d never expect promises from you. I understand that.’ There were only a couple of hours of darkness left. A couple would have to be enough. ‘And you know I can’t give more either. This isn’t going to be anything more for either of us. This is just tonight.’

He walked nearer. Intensity sliced into her as she saw the look on his face, the raw, unrestrained desire honed in on one focal point—her. Excitement swept over her and she backed up until the backs of her thighs hit his bed and she sat on the edge of it.

She gazed at him—unashamed in her admiration. He was so much taller, stronger. And looking at her like this? So lethal.

She realised that until now he’d kept a leash on his desires, letting her think she’d controlled this thing between them. But he could have pulled her to him any time he’d wanted. His potency was strong enough to render her will useless. She wanted to be his. But just as violent was the desire to have him ache for her in this same extreme way. Impossible, of course. Hence the one night.

‘Are you sure?’ he asked as he moved to within touching distance.


‘I like you.’ He frowned as if that wasn’t a good thing. ‘I want the best for you.’

She just wanted to enjoy this attraction—and end up free of it. ‘Then give me the best.’

He smiled, his eyes lighting up.

‘Don’t tease me any more,’ she begged. She needed him to come nearer, to stop talking, to make her feel as if she wasn’t about to make a massive fool of herself.

‘But it’s all about the tease.’ A glimpse of humour.

‘You know what I mean.’ She wanted it to be fast. She wanted to get the release, to be freed from it. For it to be over.

He stepped close. The brilliant thing about the height of his bed was that she didn’t have to crane her neck too far to look at him. With a single finger he traced the hem of her dress—now rucked up to just over her knees. She couldn’t believe he wasn’t moving faster already. But instead he put his hands on her pressed-together knees and exerted the smallest pressure.

‘Let me in, Mya.’ His gaze didn’t leave her face. ‘Let me in.’

Mya trembled at the cool command. He seemed to be asking for more than access to her body. ‘I am.’ She swung her legs wide.

‘No.’ He bent and his lips brushed her neck. ‘If we’re doing this, then I want everything tonight.’ He ran two fingers down her cheek; the slight pressure made her turn her head. He whispered into her exposed ear. His words a caress, an intimacy. As if he’d somehow accessed her soul. ‘How much do you want this?’ His lips brushed the whorls of her ear. ‘It better be as much as I do because otherwise you might not be able to keep up.’

‘You’re that fabulous, huh?’

‘I just want to be sure we’re on the same page for this evening. Because it ain’t over.’

‘I’m not fat and I’m not about to sing,’ she said with a hint of her old defiance.

‘What about screaming?’ He leaned closer until there was nothing but a whisper of air between them. She could feel the heat radiating from him, and her own emotions burned.

Tired of talk, tired of waiting, Mya wanted action.

She lifted her chin and laid one on him.

For a moment Brad lost control of the situation. For someone who supposedly suffered extreme sensitivity, Mya could give a blisteringly hard kiss. Her fingers threaded into his hair, holding him there while beneath his mouth hers was lush and hungry. Startled, he gave it Copyright 2016 - 2024