Blade Song - By J.C. Daniels Page 0,97

Bite marks. Very, very clearly bite marks.

A bronzed hand closed around my wrist. I looked up into Damon’s eyes.

But he was too busy staring at my wrist and the look in his eyes was hot. Burning hot.

“Yes, Lady,” Damon said, in that neutral voice that belied the heat in his gaze. “We found him late last night but under unpleasant circumstances. I was unable to call you at the time, because of those circumstances and I deeply regret the oversight. I’ll make amends upon returning to the lair.”

I heard her voice. “You will make amends? The investigator should also make amends, Damon. She was the one hired, the one I am paying. Bring her with you.”

His hand tightened. “With all due respect, Lady, I cannot. She has seen her part in this job completed and is unable to travel back to Orlando. She’s requested that her payment be deposited into her account for completion of the job.”

“And why is she unable to travel, my dearest Damon?” Annette asked, her voice silky and smooth.

The mother looked at me and tapped her finger on something in front of me. I hadn’t even noticed it.

“This is the contract we discussed, Ms. Colbana. As you’ve completed your assignment for the Cat clan, I’m anxious for you to get to work on this promptly. We need to know who is behind this.”

Damon’s shoulders tensed. He stared at Es, an unreadable look in his eyes.

Es simply watched me with a smile.

I swallowed as I heard Annette’s voice drop into a growl over the phone. “Who do I hear speaking, Damon?”

“It’s a Green Road witch, Lady.”

“A witch…”

Pretending oblivion seemed best. Bending over the table, I studied the contract. “And the terms are as we discussed?” It looked fair. Legit. And real as all get out.

“Of course. We can only pay five thousand, I’m afraid. We aren’t a rich house, but I believe you understand the importance of seeing this through—whoever has been preying on the NH children needs to be caught. You already have information in your hands so you are far more suited than anybody else,” Es said quietly. Then she leaned forward, a smile in her eyes even though her face was solemn. “And I offer something that has more value than money. You already have a few friends among our house, but I offer kinship. While you do this job, you’ll have whatever protection our house can offer and if you find us answers, I’ll apply to the Order of Witches to have you honored with the designation of kinship. It’s not often granted to those outside our order. We’ll offer you aid just as we’d offer it to any of our house. When you have need of us, we’ll be there.”

I stared at her. Was she serious? Allies. Real, true allies, I realized. But was she serious?

Es smiled serenely. “It’s all in the contract, Kit. The very valid, very legal contract. One of my granddaughters is human—not a drop of magical blood and she went into law, specializes in NH rights. She did the contract for me last night and delivered it this morning. Sign it and I can offer you a protection that you’ll not find elsewhere.”

I snatched the pen out of her hand so fast, she chuckled. Hell, I’d planned on seeing this through anyway.

“Put the investigator on the phone,” Annette demanded. “I want to rehire her immediately, Damon. I want answers and I’ll pay her one hundred thousand whether she finds the culprit or not, but she has to return to Orlando now.”

I was already signing my name.

“Lady, I’m afraid she’s already contracted elsewhere. I’m deeply regretful.”

I slid him a sidelong glance. He was still staring at my wrist.

She continued to yell at him.

I listened. Drank a cup of coffee and finished half of a second cup before she finally seemed to recognize the futility of it. “You will not be bringing the investigator back when you return to East Orlando, will you, Damon?”

He sat across from me, long legs sprawled out, bracketing mine. His thumb stroked over the smooth surface of the scars. “I will not, Lady. My humble apologies,” he said.

I managed to keep my snort behind my teeth, but only because I knew she’d hear it.

“Very well. You’ll return with Doyle.”

I scowled, thinking it was weird that she hadn’t asked about him at all.

A snarl ripped through the air.


I tensed. Damon’s hand tightened on my hand and he looked up to see Doyle standing just inside the Copyright 2016 - 2024