Blade Song - By J.C. Daniels Page 0,95

A muscle pulsed in his jaw, a growl vibrating deep in his chest. “That’s why I don’t want you going out there to work this until I can get back to you.”

“She’s not likely to turn her favorite killer out just to help round up a couple of people who like to hunt stray shifters and witches,” I told him, resting my hand on his thigh. “So far, the only one who had any affiliation was Doyle. And that was a fuck-up of epic proportions, but still. I can’t wait idly by for you to come back. What if they go into hiding and we don’t find them?”

“And what if he sends his fucking servants after you? In here, you are safe, but out there? Or if you get hurt, caught by some of those fuckers? Just a few seconds after he wakes for the day and you’re his, Kit.”

I swallowed. “Not if his bond is broken.”

Damon tensed, his grip on my wrist tightening. “Be careful where you go from here, Kit. His hold on you is temporary…mine won’t be. Don’t go rushing into this just because you’re afraid of him. Because I’ll do it. I want you that much and I won’t care if you change your mind…I won’t let you go.”

“Who says I’m doing it because I’m afraid?” Wiggling out from under him, I moved onto my knees and stared into his eyes. “We’ve already established I do stupid things that I shouldn’t do, right? I’ll deal with Jude—no matter what happens, I’m going to find a way to deal with the shit he tried to pull. It doesn’t matter if we snap his hold or not, the son-of-a-bitch is going to pay for the number he pulled last night.”

The storm clouds in his eyes deepened and he gripped me around the waist. “You are not going after him alone, Kit. You understand me?”

“I’m starting to think you are the silly little fool.” Then I frowned. “Well, not little. But still. And this isn’t the topic we’re discussing. I’ll deal with Jude. I’m not doing it now because he’ll expect it and I have to figure out the right way. I’m not stupid and I don’t rush into things, nor do I think I can take him down solo. But he isn’t what we needed to talk about.”

I laid a hand on his chest, splayed my fingers wide over the black ink of his tattoo. “We’re talking you and me. There is a you and me….right?”

“Yes.” It was a low, harsh growl.

“And what will your dearest My Lady think?”

“She can fuck herself.”

I blinked. “Ah…well, then.” My mouth had somehow managed to go dry. Very dry. “What…what happens, then?”

“You better be sure,” he rasped. “Remember what I said. It’s permanent. I don’t give up what’s mine.”


It made something warm and sweet bloom inside me. Smiling at him, I tugged my wrist from his grasp and reached up, cupping his face in my hands. “I kind of like the idea of it, really. And you’re mine, then, right?”

“Yes.” He caught my wrist once more, lifted it to his mouth for a quick kiss. “I’ll bite you. It will hurt and it will scar.” His brooding gaze held mine as he pressed his lips to the sensitive skin along my wrist. “I could bite your shoulder, but I’d rather do it here…he’ll see it. He’ll know. He’s smart so he’ll get the idea that he needs to leave you the fuck alone.”

Reflexively, I clenched my hand. “Ah…I guess Es has something that can speed up the healing.”

“Probably.” He continued to watch me.

Leaning in, I kissed him and then I sat down. It was weird that I felt nervous now. Why did I feel nervous now…?

Even as he moved around and pulled me into his lap, settling me close, so close that I could feel some very interesting portions of his anatomy pressing against my hip, I was still battling nerves. He lifted my wrist again, his eyes intense as they rested on my face, burning. Hot. Hungry.

My throat constricted until I couldn’t breathe. Didn’t seem like I could breathe at all.

His mouth opened and I twitched as I saw his teeth—they weren’t completely human now. Longer. And sharper. So much sharper. As they pierced my wrist, I bit my lip to keep from screaming.

I’d asked for this—

I wanted this.

The pain was deep and piercing and it didn’t end when he lifted his head. His tongue rasped around my flesh, lapping at Copyright 2016 - 2024