Blade Song - By J.C. Daniels Page 0,80

I tensed. It watched me, eyes glittering as its tongue tasted my air.


I didn’t say anything.

Flexing my hand, I let the sword come. She was happy now, and I was pretty damned pleased, too.

“Kit, be still. Just—”

The python moved.

I rolled away, coiling my body in one of those brutal moves my aunts had hammered into me for years. As I landed on my feet, I brought the blade down. I missed the first time and the snake came at me again.

A thunderous roar cracked through the air.

I struck again and this time—the blade tasted blood. She carved through thick skin, bone and muscle and I was all but sobbing as I went to my knees.

Giant clawed hands hauled me into the air.

I shrieked and swung out. The blade cut into furred skin. A growl echoed all around and I cut again before one of those big hands caught my sword arm. “Shhh. It’s me, baby girl. It’s me.”

The voice was alien.

But I recognized the words.


“Shit. Oh, shit.” Shoving against the furred wall of his chest, I struggled. “Put me down.”

He didn’t. I kicked him. He let me.

Then I started to shake. “Damn it, this job fucking sucks. I think I hate you sometimes.”

“I know.” When he pulled me close this time, I let him.

One of those giant hands stroked the back of my head as he rumbled against my ear, “I kind of hate me right now, too, kitten.”

After the snake, I needed a drink of whiskey—preferably the whole bottle—before I could keep going, but it was a luxury we didn’t have. So I gathered up my bow and cleaned my blade. This time, instead of sending her back, I just drew the spare sheath I carried out of my pack and settled her into place at my hip.

I was happier with her there.

She was, too.

When I went to climb over the log, trying hard not to look at the snake’s beheaded body, Damon lifted me, cradling me like a doll. “There’s a trap—one of the old fashioned kinds, made to take a leg right off,” he said softly. “I saw it when I looked back at you.”

I closed my eyes. “Lovely.”

“Yeah. Humans…the people who did this have their stink all over the place. I think they had their dogs drag their clothes everywhere or something because it’s everywhere. Only way to explain why it covers so much. I even smell it up in the trees.”

He sat me down a few feet away and took a minute to do a long, thorough study. “Something’s not right about this. They’re too prepared. Somebody gave them an idea what to expect, in case people like us came looking for them.”

“So they have help.”


I glanced at him, massive-bodied, covered in golden fur with dark gray spots. Absently, I lifted a hand and placed it on his torso. He stiffened and looked at me. “Walking around like this is going to attract a lot of attention,” I said, ignoring the painful crawl of blood up my face.

He was nearly two feet taller than me in that form…and utterly naked, save for the fur. Fur didn’t count. The odd meld of leopard and man stared down at me. “We’re not walking through a city street, kitten,” he said, his voice a deep, bass rumble. Then he tipped back his head and breathed in the air. “And you’re the closest thing to human around for miles.”

I made a face. “I’m not human.”

“I said closest.” One of those clawed hands covered mine. “If it scares you, I’ll shift back.”

“I just sliced and diced a Burmese python while you were busy growling at the universe, you overgrown housecat.” I absolutely wouldn’t say I was afraid of him. It was unsettling as hell, but I was almost ready to believe he wasn’t big on the idea of hurting me. “I think I can handle you.”

The look on his face might have been amusement. But it was hard to read him in this form.

“I can’t wait until you’re brave enough to try.”

I skimmed a look over him and then started down the trail. “Not like that, pal.”

Needling him settled my nerves. A lot.

Now…if we could just get through this without any snakes. Gators. Anything like that. Give me crazy humans, bloodthirsty rats, even arrogant vampires—

“You only had to ask—”


Jude’s voice was a bare echo in the back of my mind, one that was weak, spread thin by the miles.

I’d had a few days reprieve, one I’d enjoyed too much. Why Copyright 2016 - 2024