Blackstone Ranger Scrooge - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,80

1958 Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith!” Rushing over to the car, she ran her hands over the smooth body. “Oh, baby. You’re a beaut.”

“It’s yours. Do you like it?”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” she shouted. “Of course I do. I love it!” Launching herself at him, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you, champ.”

“And I love you, James Dean.” He frowned. “I’m never going to get used to that.”

“Why do you think I go by my initials? I was already teased enough as a kid. When we moved here, I decided to just use J.D.”

“Well, I love you. Whatever your name is.”

As he pressed his mouth to hers, she melted against him. The mate bond flowed between them like a living, breathing thing that bound them in a way that could never be broken. Through the connection, she could feel Cam’s love, tenderness, and warmth, and she returned it until the emotions were one and the same.

When they finally pulled apart, her brows knitted together and she pouted.

“What’s wrong now?” he asked.

“It’s really been a great day. But weeeell … you know what would make this the bestest, most perfect Christmas ever?”

“Oh, bloody hell.” He shut his eyes tight. “Don’t even say it. I swear to God, you’re going to shake my faith in science, wife.”

“Fine.” She snuck a look up at the sky as she spotted a puffy white flake descend from the heavens. “I won’t say it.” With a soft, satisfied sigh, she pressed her mouth to his.

The End

Dear Reader,

While this may be the end of the Rangers Series, we’re not going to leave the world of Blackstone yet!

So many more mysteries to explore in this universe.

Like what happened to a certain dragon guard who visited Blackstone in book 3.

And how did they find the lost Grand Duke?

You’ll find out in the next series,

The Dragon Guards of the Northern Isles

Coming 2021.

Sign up for my newsletter now to find out the moment it releases, plus other fun stuff including a chance to win monthly prizes!

Turn the page for authors notes!

All the best,


Author’s Notes

Written November 25, 2020

It’s been a while since I’ve written any authors notes - I’m not really sure anyone’s reading them and after a while, I’ve run out of things to say, especially when a book leaves me so emotionally drained (in a satisfying way).

But considering what a year we’ve all had and this being the final book not only in the Blackstone Rangers series, but also the final book I’ve written in 2020, I thought it was only apt to write these notes. I’ve gone over past notes from a few years back and realize how much I enjoyed writing them, taking you along through the process of my writing, and giving you little tidbits and trivia along the way.

I’m sure like me, many of you started out this year with much anticipation. The New Year always gives us all a chance to start fresh. Little did we know what a tumultuous year it would be.

At the end of 2019 I planned out my entire year - finish the last three books in the True Mates Generations series, perform in at least two theater productions, and then go on an extended vacation in the summer. Then perhaps I would start a brand new series in the fall, something in the Blackstone Universe, which I’ve missed so much.

However, when March 2020 rolled around and the world shut down (because of the dreaded V word), I had to put those plans aside. There was no travel and no live performances anywhere. Well, I managed to finish True Mates, and since I had to cancel all performing and vacation plans, I dove right into Blackstone Rangers.

The Rangers weren’t my next planned series when I wrote the original Blackstone Mountain books. If you recall, I focused a lot on Deputy Cole Carson and Fire Chief Will Mason. I really really wanted to do Police or Fire next (though I did set up the Rangers in Blackstone Wolf, but we don’t even meet Damon then). Or I was going to do a dragon series, featuring the Dragon Guards or the Silver or Air Dragons.

However, I really wanted to tell Dutchy’s story, and Dutchy really really wanted Krieger as a mate. You should read about the conversations I have with my characters, which I send out to subscribers of my newsletter.

I tried, I REALLY tried to convince her to find another mate, but she wouldn’t have it! And her and Krieger’s story has been in my head for so long, I really needed it out! And so I decided, with lockdowns in place and plenty of time in my hands, I could finish the Blackstone Rangers Series.

But wait!

There’s more!

Blackstone Rangers was going to end with Dutchy and Krieger. That scene of them looking up at the stars at the end was how I wanted it to end. It was so clear in my mind. The perfect ending.

But then J.D. climbed out of my computer and and threatened to kill me if I didn’t give her a Happy Ever After.

And since she pretty much barreled her way into the rangers’ lives, she wanted to be part of this series too, despite not being a ranger herself. I protested, but she had a few choice words for me!

(Again, I send these conversations out occasionally on my newsletter. Make sure you subscribe!)

Oh and if THAT wasn’t complicated enough, it HAD to be a Christmas book.

(Because J.D. loves Christmas, y’all).

And so that’s how this book came about. Cameron Spenser was going to be a nerdy librarian wolf shifter, but polar bears are the perfect shifter animal for Christmas, right? (Hello, they’re Santa’s neighbor in the North Pole!)

Cam was the perfect mate for J.D. His coldness is really a mask for his awkwardness, which I thought was so adorable and very different from the usual alpha-hole characters we read about.

Plus, neither of them wanted to fight their fate, which I thought was refreshing. However, I had to somehow throw a few obstacles in their way, because otherwise it would be a very short (and boring) story. And as we all know, love isn’t always easy and if we want something, we have to fight for it.

I really hope you enjoy this story. It’s a labor of love for you, my dear reader. It’s because of you I get to do this thing I love and I wake up every day thankful for this chance to tell you these stories.

And, I think after the year we’ve ALL had, we deserve some lighthearted fun, heartwarming romance, and a little Christmas magic.

With much love,

Alicia Copyright 2016 - 2024