Blackstone Ranger Scrooge - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,71

was the only time I got to see him.”

Oh, Cam. Tears sprang to her eyes. No wonder he hated Christmas. While he got to see everyone go home and be with their families, he was left alone in that boarding school. Who could blame him? She’d seen the anxiety in his eyes. How hard it was for him to open up.

“Worse still, Edward remarried and had a daughter. But because Cam had been born first, the title would eventually pass over to him, which made him resent Cam even more. He spoiled his new daughter, spent every holiday with her until he died.” Natalia didn’t seem too broken up about that. “I thought Cam would get over it, I did my best to make sure he knew he was loved.”

“And you did,” she said. “And he loves you so much.”

“He’s always been indifferent about the holidays. When he left St. Andrews, he would always spend them alone. And then … then Arabella happened. He was happy with her. She’s a lovely girl. But they broke up on Christmas five years ago, and I think that made him even hate the holidays more.”

Rage boiled inside her and she wanted to scream the truth at Natalia. That they didn’t just break up, but Arabella had cheated on him. Stop, she told herself. That wasn’t her story to tell.

“So, you see? My grandson has never had a reason to celebrate the holidays. He’s always been withdrawn and cold, focused—no, obsessed with his work. He prefers the company of his animals and plants because he’s afraid of interacting with people and being hurt and disappointed by them.” The old woman’s weathered hands covered hers. “But these past few days, I’ve seen the change in him. Something in his thirty-five years that I haven’t seen before. True happiness and love, at least when he looks at you.”

J.D. couldn’t breathe. She was so afraid that if she made even the smallest motion, she would burst into tears. She wanted to believe Natalia’s assessment, she really did. But his actions were still too fresh, and she didn’t know if she could trust him.

“Please, J.D.,” Natalia begged. “Would you please speak with him? Just have a conversation.”

“I … I’m scared,” she admitted.

“He’s hurt you. And I understand your hesitation. But surely, you could find it in your heart to hear him out and let him apologize.”

“You don’t even know if he’s sorry for what he did and said.”

“I know my grandson and that he would do anything for you. Please.”

Conflicting emotions swirled within her. Her brain told her to run away now, before she got even more hurt. But her stupid heart and her inner animal wanted to hear him out. “I … I suppose we could talk.”

“Thank you.” Natalia leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, then stood, dragging her up. “Come. We should go.”


The old woman pulled her along before she could protest further. When they returned to the ballroom, Natalia stopped. “Stay here. I will look for Aleksandr and send him to you, yes?”

“All right.”

As the old woman disappeared into the crowd. J.D. considered running away. Just going home, changing into her pajamas, and waiting for this damned day to be over.

“Well, well, look what the cat dragged back in,” Arabella scoffed as she sauntered over. “When I saw you running away, I truly thought we had seen the last of you. But I guess pests are always hard to get rid of.”

Fucking bitch. But she was not going to let this heifer rile her up again. “I bet that’s what all your ex-fiancés say when you come crawling back.”

Arabella’s pretty face twisted into an expression of hate. “Go ahead and keep insulting me. But the truth is you’ll never belong here, in our world. You’ll always be a poor grease monkey. What’s that American saying? About putting lipstick on a pig?”

Her cat hissed and let out its claws, but she reined in it. “Better a poor grease monkey than a lying, cheating bitch like you.”

“Oh, so he told you the real reason we broke up?” Arabella snorted. “Tiago and I had a little fling while I was wearing Cam’s ring, so what? It’s ancient history and Cam will forgive me in time. Now that he realizes that you can never be what he needs to live up to his legacy. I, on the other hand, will be the perfect wife for him.”

“Excuse me,” Natalia began, clearing her throat.

Arabella’s complexion turned ashen. “Your Highness!” Copyright 2016 - 2024