Blackstone Ranger Scrooge - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,7

Cam didn’t see what all the fuss was about—shifters were biological creatures after all, and he should know. He was one of them.

Yes, he’d always thought it was a shame mating and bonding was one of those things that shifters found so private that no one wanted to study it. Think of the possibilities and applications, he had told his colleagues. But none of them were persuaded, and they became even more outraged at the idea that something as “precious” and “sacred” as bonded mates could be put to the test of the scientific method. If Cam weren’t already mired in the study of ecology and preservation, he would have considered pursuing such research. But now …

His polar bear roared in protest.

Sharing his body with a wild beast could be an advantage at times, especially when conducting field work, but it could also be exasperating. Such as now, when the damned thing suddenly turned protective of their mate.

Their mate.

The awareness of the soft body beneath his jolted him. He blinked at the hand in front of his face.

“Uh, no high five then? How about—oomph!”

With his shifter speed, he slid off the table and dragged her up with him, flipping her over to face him. Those eyes—mostly light brown with large gray flecks—that entranced him the moment he’d seen them threatened to overwhelm him again.

Mine, his polar bear roared.

And her animal acknowledged it with a slow, languid, mine.

Despite the fact that his lust had been sated mere moments ago, he wanted her again. Wanted to be inside her. To feel her lips on his. Lick at her skin and—

“Whoa.” She planted her hands on his chest. “Slow down, champ.”

His cock bobbed painfully against her belly, and he took a step back. “P-pardon me,” he said, clearing his throat. For God’s sake, he scolded himself silently. You’re a grown man of thirty-six with two PhDs. Stop thinking with your damned cock for two seconds.

He’d never lost control like he just had, but the moment their eyes met that first time, it was as if he lost his senses, and the only thing he knew was that he had to have her.

And now, the need continued to grow inside him—as did other parts—but, he let his logical, human side take over. You can do this. Straightening his shoulders, he cleared his throat. “My apologies, miss.”

“I think we’re way past formalities at this point, don’t ya think?” A blonde brow raised at him. “But knowing your name might be nice.”

“Right.” He paused. “Um, I’m Cameron. Dr. Cameron Spenser. But you can call me Cam.”

“I’m J.D. McNamara.”

He frowned. “Like Jade with a y?”

“No, no. Like the letters.” Holding her hands up, she shaped them with her fingers. “J. And D.”

“Oh, I see.” Americans, he grumbled silently. Whatever happened to good old-fashioned names like Linda or Anne or Emma? “It’s, uh, lovely to meet you.”

Those haunting eyes regarding him, the dominant colors shifting from light brown to steel gray before she burst out laughing. “That was one hell of an introduction, huh?”

Heat crept up his cheeks, and he ran his fingers through his hair. “I didn’t mean to … I mean, obviously I did, but …” Cam had always prided himself on his control and discipline. He had learned from a young age to control his polar bear all on his own. After all, Mum had died young before she was able to pass the lessons shifter parents were supposed to teach their young. And his father? Well—

“It’s all right, I was kidding. What? You don’t get jokes where you’re from?” Her pert little nose wrinkled. “Say … where’re you from, anyway?”

“Surrey. In England.”

“Oh, like London?”

He wanted to roll his eyes, but tamped down the urge. Of course, Americans only knew of London whenever England was mentioned. His polar bear slashed at him, as if warning him not to be rude to their mate. Like I would ever. “Yes, just outside London,” he said, using his standard answer.

“Oh, cool. You have such a sexy accent,” she purred.

Normally, commenting on his accent was another thing that irritated him about the people of this country, but coming from her, he felt enormously flattered, especially when she looked at him with such naked desire. But speaking of naked … “Um, perhaps we should get dressed? And leave before the chief comes back?” Bloody hell, did they really have sex in his boss’s office? Damon was going to have his hide.

“Comes back?” She guffawed. “Unlikely, but yeah, we should probably Copyright 2016 - 2024