Blackstone Ranger Scrooge - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,64

a deep breath, she smiled up at him. The love in his eyes sent a warmth through her, calming her and her animal. Mine. “Ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s go, champ.”

Chapter Fourteen

Cam had seen many castles in Europe before, but to actually lay eyes on one in America was a sight to behold. “This is fascinating. It’s as if someone took a castle from Austria or Germany and transported it whole to Colorado.”

“You’ve never seen Blackstone Castle before?” J.D. asked as they alighted from their limo. “It’s not part of your patrols?”

“Only the most senior rangers and Damon are allowed near here,” he said. “For privacy reasons. Though I imagine that for the most part, everyone in Blackstone knows to avoid the dragon’s lair.”


They waited for the rest of their group to alight from their limos before heading into the castle. A formally-dressed butler greeted them and directed them toward the ballroom. Guests were already pouring in, but the presence of the dark-suited men with wired earpieces didn’t escape Cam’s notice. Human men.

“I knew security would be tight tonight,” Cam said as they waited in the long line of people being checked before they could enter the ballroom. “But King Aleksei usually travels with his own Dragon Guards. Are these guys private security?”

“No, Secret Service,” Damon said. “Vice President Scott Baker’s in attendance tonight as well.”

“Huh.” Strange. The vice president had already visited Blackstone a few months ago. In fact, it made the headlines because there was an assassination attempt on his life, one that was foiled by Daniel Rogers.

“Did you know he was going to be here, Daniel?” Anders asked.

“Don’t look at me.” The bear shifter held his hands up. “I had no idea.”

Thankfully the security procedures didn’t take too long, and soon they were inside the ballroom. Crystal chandeliers lit up the entire room and garlands of evergreen with gold and red streamers stretched across the ceiling. Every corner was decorated with trees, boughs, holly, bells, ribbons and lights. One gigantic tree stood at the back of the room, and a bright star lit up the top. Waiters walked around carrying trays of canapés and champagne while a live orchestra played holiday music.

“You must be in heaven,” Cam joked to J.D. “With all these decorations.”

She whistled. “Yeah. It looks like Christmas threw up in here. In a classy way. I mean, you know, if Christmas ate champagne and truffles beforehand.”

The corner of his mouth quirked up and he mentally shook his head. J.D. really was one of a kind. And he loved every bit of her.

But did she feel the same way?

Don’t be silly, he told himself. Of course she does. His bear agreed.

But she hadn’t said the words. Not yet anyway, which is why the doubt was there.

His bear chuffed reassuringly. It was so close, he could almost feel and taste the bond, and surely, that wouldn’t be the case if she didn’t love him back. Perhaps she was just not the type to say the words. After all, she was trying so hard to make things work.

“I think I see your grandmother over there with Jason Lennox,” she said.

“Excellent, let’s go see her.” They excused themselves from the rest of the group and headed to the alcove in the corner where J.D. had spotted Natalia chatting with the younger of the twin dragons.

“Cam,” Jason greeted as they shook hands. They had met previously at the royal wedding, and even though he’d been living in Blackstone for nearly six months now, hadn’t approached them until that night at the carnival. “Thank you so much for allowing me to escort Her Highness. Aside from my own mate, I don’t think I have ever had a more beautiful and charming date.”

“Oh, you flatterer.” Natalia chuckled and playfully hit him on the shoulder with her fan. “If only I was a few decades younger.”

Technically, Cam should have been his grandmother’s escort, but he wanted to be with J.D., so he asked Jason and Matthew if they could take care of Natalia. It had actually worked out because Christina had just given birth a few days ago and was unable to attend the party tonight.

“Your Highness,” J.D. greeted Natalia with a subdued nod. “Hey, Jason, how’s Christina? And the babies?”

The dragon shifter’s face lit up. “They’re doing great,” he grinned. “Pandora and Persephone are wearing us out, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Mr. Lennox has promised me I would be the first person outside the family to meet Copyright 2016 - 2024