Blackstone Ranger Scrooge - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,47

was blue or water was wet. “Cam is His Grace, the Duke of Westmoreland.”

“Duke?” she cried. “Duke?”

“I prefer to be called by my professional title, the one I earned.” And didn’t inherit from a despicable, drunken wastrel.

“Lyuba,” his grandmother soothed. “It seems we have come at a bad time. Forgive me, for intruding on your … ah … morning. We will head back to our hotel and return later.”

“Babushka, no.” He hated cliches, but he was stuck between a rock and hard place. And looking at his grandmother’s sweet, understanding expression and J.D.’s nearly explosive one, he couldn’t find a better metaphor. “Don’t go.”

“That’s right,” J.D. said through gritted teeth. “Don’t trouble yourself. I’ll be the one leaving.” And with that, she turned on her heel and marched back into the apartment.

“Bloody hell.” A throbbing headache began to form between his eyebrows.

“Lyuba, who was that lady?”

Arabella snorted. “If you could call her that.”

He sent his former fiancé a warning glare, then turned to his grandmother. “That was … my surprise to you,” he said, switching to Russian for privacy.

“Surprise? I don’t understand.”

“J.D. is my mate,” he stated. “My fated mate.”

Natalia’s white brows furrowed. “Your … oh!” Her frail, wrinkled fingers gripped his forearms. “That is wonderful news! Oh! Does that mean … does she know that you must return to Europe?”

“Yes, babushka. And she is … willing to make things work between us.” Well, she was anyway.

“Oh, my dear … you do not know how happy this—” She stopped short, then her gaze flickered to Arabella. “Oh, forgive me! The trouble this must be causing. I only thought that perhaps since Arabella recently broke up with her fiancé that you and her.…”

It all made sense now. His grandmother had adored Arabella, mostly because his former fiancé hid her true, viperous nature from her. Natalia must have thought that Cam’s distaste for the holiday when they broke up meant he still carried a torch for her, and bringing her along was a misguided plot to get them back together.

“Pardon me,” Arabella interrupted, obviously sensing they were talking about her. “But, Cam, now that your guest is leaving, perhaps you could invite us in?”

When hell froze over. His polar bear agreed with a chuff, crossing its front paws over its chest. He would have to take the direct approach. “I don’t think it’s a good idea. I’d ask my grandmother to stay, but you on the other hand—”

“But, Cam—”

“I said no,” he roared, letting his bear come to the surface close enough for his eyes to take on a glow and his front incisors to briefly pop out.

Her mouth quickly shut, and her body went rigid. Good. That was one way to shut her up and keep her away, to let out that part of him she had abhorred so much. He would never forget or forgive her for the words he’d overheard.

You know what they say about athletes, she had tittered to her friend. They’re animals in bed. And since I’ll soon have an animal for a husband, why not have my cake and eat it too?

Arabella should have done more research on animals, because she had no idea he could hear her six feet away, even in a crowded ballroom at a Christmas party.

“Arabella,” Natalia began, using her most regal tone. “You’ve been such a dear to me during our travels. But, would you be ever so kind as to give my grandson and me a few minutes of privacy? Please?” Anyone who knew the princess knew that was not a request.

Arabella looked like she was about to explode, but, her good breeding won out. She took in a sharp breath and curtsied. “Of course, Your Highness. I shall wait in the limo.” Keeping her eyes cast low, she scurried to the elevator.

When they were finally alone, Natalia put a hand on his arm. “Lyuba, I have made trouble for you.” His grandmother’s penitent tone made his heart clench. “You must let me make things right.”

“It’s fine, babushka. I’ll fix it.”

“Are you sure? You know I can always make things better.”

“You do, babushka, you always do.” Putting an arm around her, he led her inside. “But this is something I must do myself.”

“I understand, and I have complete faith that you and your mate will reconcile and all will be well.” She waggled her eyebrows at him. “And perhaps the great-grand babies—”

“Babushka,” he groaned. “Please. One step at a time.” He guided her to the couch. “What are you doing Copyright 2016 - 2024