Blackstone Ranger Scrooge - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,27

surprise. And don’t you even try to guess,” he warned. “I don’t want to ruin it.”

“Hmmm … all right. But I want you to keep me abreast of your move back. Do not forget to call your dear grandmother, eh?”

“Yes, I promise.”

“I shall speak and see you soon, lyuba,” she said before hanging up.

Bloody hell.

Tossing his phone aside, he sank back into the cushions and massaged the pressure building between his eyebrows. He had been hoping his grandmother wouldn’t take their one-year bargain so literally, but it seemed she was determined to have what she was owed. Or rather, delivery on what she owed.

Everything would have to progress much faster, now that the clock was ticking. Goddammit. He really wanted to get to know J.D. and ease her into things. And from what little he did know of her, it wasn’t going to be an easy transition.

The life he had been prepared for—no, bred for—was light years away from what she knew. It might crush her spirit, the obligations and the rigidity of it all. And then there was the question if she would even want it. She had no idea what being his mate would be really about.

He needed some time to think. Some space away from her and figure out what to do next. This situation needed some analysis, and he needed time to figure out the pros and cons, and how exactly he was going to tell her the truth of who he was.

Chapter Six

“Thanks guys!” J.D. waved goodbye to Anna Victoria and Damon as they pulled out of her driveway. As promised, they delivered the Christmas tree that morning. “Have a great breakfast!”

“You too!” Anna Victoria shouted back, then winked. “And if I don’t see you for yoga class tomorrow, I won’t be surprised.”

J.D. grinned as the truck drove off. Oh yeah. Last night had been so close. If she hadn’t seen the perfect tree, she would have let Cam touch her everywhere for definitely more than “just a little bit.” True, it had only been three days now since they had met, but for God’s sake, how much slower could they go? If they counted the party and yesterday, then that would mean today would be their third date.

Even if we didn’t go all the way, there were other things we could do, she thought. It sounded like Cam would be open to at least get to second or third base.

However, that would have to wait, as she already had the day planned. Put up the Christmas tree. Decorate it while drinking hot chocolate. And then cuddle on the couch with some of her favorite holiday movies. Then snuggling could lead to more. She licked her lips in anticipation.

Heading back inside her house, she walked over to the corner spot where her—or rather, her and Cam’s—tree stood. The blue spruce was the perfect size and shape for the living room, and while the timing had been terrible when she spotted it, she just had to have it. The boxes of decorations taken out of storage now sat on her coffee table, and the hot chocolate made from scratch was ready. Now she only needed a sexy, brainy doctor to come knocking on her door, and everything would be perfect.

The familiar sound of her ringtone sent her scrambling for her phone. A thrill shot up her spine when she saw Cam’s name on the caller ID. “Hey, Cam,” she greeted, trying to sound casual. “Are you on the way? What breakfast didja get me?”

“Good morning, love.” His voice made her all tingly, especially when he called her with that pet name. “I’m afraid I have some bad news.”

“Oh? Did you have trouble finding restaurants that were open today?” Many businesses in Blackstone would be closed over the long weekend so people could spend time with their families. Cam, not being from around here, wouldn’t have known that. “I should have realized and told you—”

“No, it’s not that.” He let out a breath. “Something’s come up. I’m afraid I can’t make it over.”

“Can’t make it over?” Disappointment coursed through her. “What’s wrong? Are you all right? What happened?” Surely if Cam couldn’t make it, there was something really wrong.

“I just … I have to deal with something.”

“What thing? Is it an emergency?”

“A … family matter.”

She waited for him to explain. For a second, she even thought the line went dead as the silence stretched on. “Cam?”


“Is everything okay?”


Then why was he bailing out? She couldn’t understand. But Copyright 2016 - 2024