Blackstone Ranger Scrooge - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,21

four years ago, sold their house, and moved to Florida,” Damon continued. “I can’t stand traveling during the holidays and even then, they prefer to come here during Christmas since they miss the snow.”

“That first year, we tried to make Thanksgiving dinner, just the three of us at my house,” J.D. said. “Unfortunately, it was a disaster.”

“A total disaster,” Gabriel added.

“You can still see the scorch marks on my ceiling.” J.D. slapped her palm over her eyes. “The only restaurant open was Chang Kee, and so we had to order there, and we’ve been doing that ever since.”

They got their fill of food, and the rest of the day was spent drinking beers and watching American football on the telly with each couple finding their own spot on the humungous couch in the living room. He and J.D. were at the far end of the section with her tucked into his side.

He smiled against her hair, and his bear rumbled happily. Earlier, of course, it had been a complete beast. It hated that he had angered their mate and made her storm off. But she was being completely unreasonable during that fight in the car, wanting to get out in the middle of the road just because he didn’t like Christmas. Of course, he felt terrible and wanted to kick himself when she had confessed to him about her mother. He understood her obsession with the holiday now and how much it meant to her.

The only problem was, he didn’t just dislike Christmas.

He abhorred it.

Each year, he did his best to avoid the holidays. He buried himself in research and work, ensuring he was away doing fieldwork as far away as he could possibly manage in places where they didn’t celebrate the holidays.

Each year that December twenty-fifth passed, he could breathe a sigh of relief.

It was too much to bear.

Too many memories.

Too much baggage.

Now, however, as he held his mate to his side, he knew that he would have to find a way to make it through the holiday, because he found himself wanting to make her happy. He would do anything to be with her, and so he would grin and bear it. Adapt that stiff upper lip his father’s people were known for.

Besides, Christmas was only one day of the year, and there was still a month to go before the actual holiday. How bad could it be?

“Oh dear, am I reading that clock right?” Anna Victoria said with yawn. “It’s nearly midnight.”

After an afternoon of watching football, they had gone back and reheated more of the Chinese food for a late supper. Then Damon started a fire in the fireplace, and they all gathered around, drinking and chatting. Cam for the most part, was content to have J.D. snuggling in his arms, listening to the three friends reminisce about their childhood.

Temperance raised her head from where it was lying on Gabriel’s chest. “Oh wow, I didn’t realize it was that late.”

Cam cleared his throat. “I guess we should be going.”

“Oh, hells yeah!” J.D. bounded up and raised a fist in the air. “Thanksgiving is almost over. Woot, woot!”

“You’re awfully happy to be having this day over,” Anna Victoria said with a chuckle. “I thought you liked Thanksgiving.”

“I do. But having Thanksgiving over means one thing.”

“Oh no,” Gabriel groaned. “Please God, no.”

“What’s the matter?” Temperance asked.

“Is it Black Friday?” Anna Victoria supplied.

Damon shook his head. “No, it’s—”

J.D. reached for the hem of her top and whipped it off. “Yeah baby!” Underneath her Thanksgiving jumper was another one—this time, it was Christmas themed and had a picture of a candy cane with two, well-positioned holly berries at the base. The text underneath read, Well Hung. “Merry Christmas!”

“That,” Damon finished with a shake of his head.

Dear God, not again, Cam thought.

“Yes, and you know what that means.” J.D.’s eyes twinkled. “Damon, is your axe in the shed?”

“Axe?” Cam said incredulously. “What do you need an axe for?”

“It’s time for my favorite tradition that marks the beginning of the season. We’re going to go get my Christmas tree!”

Cam frowned. “But surely there aren’t any tree farms open at this time.”

“Tree farm? Pffft.” She waved him away. “Who needs a farm when we have an entire mountain full of trees?”

“But that’s illegal. The Lennoxes own the mountains, and they forbid the cutting down of trees. It’s one of the very first things I read in the ranger handbook.” He looked to Damon. “Right? For example, you might technically own this house, but Copyright 2016 - 2024