Blackstone Ranger Scrooge - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,10

I suppose we could give it a try.”

He breathed a sigh of relief. “Good.”

“So.” She placed her hands on her hips. “Are there gonna be rules? Like only up to second base until the third date?”

“I, uh … how about we just play it by ear? But of course, I would respect your boundaries and your limits.”

She burst out laughing. “If we respected my boundaries, we’d be horizontal right now.”

A fresh surge of lust rose in him. “You’re trying my patience, love,” he warned.

“Oh yeah?” The corners of her lips turned up. “I’d try more than your patience. Whatcha gonna do about it?” Her fingers walked up his chest. “Are you gonna spank me, Dr. Spenser?”

Bloody hell. He wrapped his hand around her wrist and brought her closer. The fire in her eyes emboldened him. “Perhaps I will, if you continue to be a naughty girl.”

“Oh geez,” she groaned, taking a step back. “C’mon, Christian Grey, let’s get outta here. You’re making my kitty all riled up. And I’m not talking about my inner animal.”

When Damon had mentioned there would be some kind of party, Cam hadn’t quite expected such an elaborate affair. The normally bare dining hall had been done up in brilliant autumn colors and fall-themed decor. It was also packed with people, and not just the rangers and employees. There were many faces he didn’t recognize and several children running around and screaming like banshees.

“Oh, they already started!” J.D. exclaimed as they walked through the door. “Let’s go to our table.”

“Our table?” Perhaps he should have thought this part through. He didn’t even know who J.D. McNamara was exactly and how she came to be here. Was she someone’s daughter or sister?

She dragged him along, waving and chatting to several people, many of them his workmates. It was almost comical the way their faces cheered up when they looked at her, and then turned confused or downright unpleasant when their gazes turned to him. To say that he hadn’t made many good impressions around here was an understatement, but he was never really good at small talk or congeniality. He tended to be too direct and stiff, especially around gregarious and overly-friendly Americans.

But she didn’t seem to mind, and now that they were under better light, he couldn’t help but stare down at her.

Objectively speaking, J.D. was attractive. Blonde. Hazel eyes. Slim build with the right amount of curves. Who wouldn’t give her a second glance?

But un-objectively speaking? She was the most exquisite creature he’d laid eyes on. The tendrils of hair coming loose from under her hat were the color of wheat. She had a pert nose, clear, milky skin, and thick blonde lashes framing her unusual eyes. Eyes that were now looking up at him, amused.

“Something the matter?”

“Uh, no,” he said quickly, realizing he’d been caught. “Apologies. I didn’t mean to stare.”

“You can stare all you want, champ,” she purred. “No one’ll make a fuss. Me least of all.”

“J.D.!” a feminine voice called them. “Where have you been?”

“Uh, busy.” They stopped in front of a pretty blonde woman. “Hey, Anna Victoria, have you met Cam? Cam Spenser?”

Cam recognized the woman as Anna Victoria Cooper, Damon’s mate and wife. “Why yes, we met briefly at the Blackstone Rangers anniversary ball,” she said. “Nice to see you again, Dr. Spenser.” Her gaze zeroed in on him, then down to their linked hands, then back up to his face. She lifted a brow at J.D. “And how are you two acquainted?”

J.D. gave a nervous laugh. “Funny you should ask—”

“Where’d you go off to, J.D?” A man with dark blond hair came up from behind Anna Victoria. “I thought you’d be the first one lining up for the turkey. Oh, hey.” Friendly blue eyes regarded him. “Have we met? Gabriel Russel.”

Gabriel seemed familiar, then Cam recalled he’d been on the other side of their table during the Blackstone Rangers ball. He offered his hand anyway. “I think we did meet briefly at the ball as well. But it’s nice to meet your acquaintance again. Dr. Cameron Spenser.”

“Right. You’re the doctor who took my place on the roster,” he said, taking the hand Cam held out. “Hope the job’s treating you well. Are you—” He stopped short when he noticed he and J.D. were holding hands. Instead of releasing his grip, Gabriel tightened it. “So, Doc, how exactly do you and our dear old J.D. know each other?”

Our J.D.? His bear did not like that possessive word one bit, and Copyright 2016 - 2024