Blackout After Dark (Gansett Island #21) - Marie Force Page 0,8

So it can happen. We’ll get the ultrasound to your OB so you can figure out a plan going forward. Congratulations, Mom and Dad—times four.”

The doctor and tech stepped out of the room, leaving the stunned parents alone.

“Adam,” Abby said, gasping. “What did she just say?”

Adam was still trying to process the news himself but forced himself to rally for her sake. “It seems we’re expecting quadruplets.”

“H-how is that possible? They said we couldn’t.”

“I know, sweetheart.” Still holding Liam, he leaned in to kiss the tears off her face. “It’s a miracle.”

“No, Adam, it’s not a miracle! Four babies! What will we do? How will we—”

He kissed her until she stopped talking. “We’ll figure it out the same way we have everything else. Now let’s get you up and dressed and off to the next appointment so we can ask all our questions.”

“I can’t remember my own name right now. How am I supposed to ask questions?”

“Your name is Abigail Callahan McCarthy, and you’re the strongest person I know. Whatever they tell us, we’ll handle it. I don’t want you to worry about anything.” He helped her sit up and steadied her when she seemed like she might topple right off the exam table.

“I can’t be pregnant with four babies. That doesn’t just happen.”

He smiled at the adorably confused expression on her face. “Apparently, it does.”

“You’re not allowed to find this in any way amusing, do you hear me?”

“I hear you, but I just want you to remember there’re a lot of really awful things we could’ve heard today. This doesn’t really count as awful.”

“Spoken by the one who doesn’t have to turn into a beached whale while having four babies!”

He couldn’t help it. He laughed.

She punched him in the gut, making him gasp from the surprisingly hard hit.


“Do not laugh, Adam McCarthy, or I swear to God I might actually stab you for doing this to me.”

“How is this my fault? I thought I was your hero for getting you pregnant in the first place when they told us that couldn’t happen.”

“You were my hero until I found out you’re firing some sort of super sperm.”

Adam’s smile turned smug. “My boys are rather super.”

“Still not funny.”

“It’s a little funny. Come on, you have to admit it.”

“I have to do no such thing, and if you’re wise, you’ll keep your laughter to yourself. I don’t think it’s funny at all.” She broke down again, her entire body shaking with the force of her emotions. “What is wrong with me? All I wanted was to be pregnant, and now I’m freaking out because it’s not happening the way I thought it would.”

Adam had to bite his lip not to laugh again. He sat next to her on the exam table and put his arm around her. “You’re freaking out because we just got the most unexpected news we could’ve gotten. But we have to be thankful it was an overabundance of good news and not tragic news.”

She nodded and wiped her face. “I know. It’s just going to take me a minute to wrap my head around it.”

“Me, too, sweetheart.”

“We’re going to have five babies, Adam.”

“Yes, I heard about that.”

“Five babies under the age of two, Adam.”

“I got that memo.”

She elbowed him in the ribs. “You still think this is funny.”

“I figure it’s better to laugh than cry.”

“How are we going to do this?” she asked in a frantic tone.

He took her hand and held on tightly. “We’re going to meet with the OB and find out what we need to do to keep you and the football team healthy. Then we’ll figure out a birth plan that has you right here when you have them, and we’ll recruit grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends to help us survive the first couple of months, and we’ll make it work. Somehow.”

“You’re so rational. How can you be rational at a time like this?”

“One of us has to be.”

She elbowed him again. “I can hear you laughing.”

“I’m not laughing. Not much, anyway.” He brought her closer to him and nuzzled her hair. “It’s really your fault, you know.”

“I can’t wait to hear how it’s my fault.”

“You prayed so hard for a baby that you got four of them.”

“I see what you’re trying to do, and it’s not going to work. It’s one hundred percent your fault. Clearly, something is going on with you McCarthy boys knocking up your wives with multiples.”

Adam puffed out his chest and received another elbow to the gut that promptly Copyright 2016 - 2024