Blackout After Dark (Gansett Island #21) - Marie Force Page 0,73

week, but decided not to since that would require devoting two of their seven days off to travel. Because Grace had been so tired, they’d decided to stay in Atlanta and hang out at the hotel until they had to be in Orlando the following weekend. She’d insisted she’d be fine if he decided he wanted to go somewhere else, which was the reason he knew she wouldn’t mind that he’d made surprise plans for them.

His Gracie was nothing if not a good sport. She’d proven that over and over again during the rigorous tour that’d taken them to thirty cities since the beginning of July. He hoped the week at home would be restorative for them both. As an added bonus, he’d be home for the last-minute wedding of his sister Mallory. He’d gotten a text from her two weeks ago, letting him know that she and Quinn were tying the knot on their upcoming mutual birthday.

Mallory had asked him to sing at the wedding, and he was honored she’d asked.

“Is it the kind of adventure that includes sleep?” Grace asked. “Lots and lots of sleep?”

“As much as you want, but first you have to get up.”

“All right, all right. I’m getting up.”

But she didn’t move.



“I love you. Get your ass up.”

Mumbling and grumbling, she sat up, pushed her dark hair back from her face and forced her eyes to open.

“There she is. My gorgeous wife.”

“I feel like I’ve been drugged or something.”

“Vic said it should get better in the next trimester.”

“God, I hope so. At least I’m not puking my guts up like Abby has been.”

“I got a text from Adam. They had their appointment on the mainland, and you won’t believe what they found out.” His brother had also mentioned the power failure on the island that was now in its second day while the temperatures stayed at roast level. Hopefully, the power would be back on by the time they got home.

“Nothing bad, right?”

“Nope, nothing bad. In fact, they found out they’re expecting quadruplets.”

“What? Seriously? How’d that happen?”

“The old-fashioned way, which makes it a true miracle.”

“After everything they went through… That’s incredible.”

“From what Adam said, they’re still in shock. Five kids under the age of two…”

“Holy crap. Abby must be freaking out. To go from not being able to conceive to quads…”

“I know.”

“Well, I’ve certainly got no business complaining about being tired from carrying one baby. Imagine how she’s going to feel.”

“She’s going to need a ton of help.”

“Fortunately, both families are there and can pitch in.”

“Adam said my parents offered to move in with them for the first month or two.”

“That’s so great. They’ll need that kind of help. Five babies…” She shuddered as she got up to head for the shower. “Dear God.”

The news from home had only added to Evan’s good mood this morning, knowing what his brother and sister-in-law had endured after hearing she might never be able to conceive. And now this… What an amazing development. Evan couldn’t wait to see them and the rest of his family later that day when he surprised Grace with the unscheduled trip home, among other things.

They ate breakfast in their suite, checked out of the hotel and took a car service to the airport.

“When are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

“When we get there.”

“What’s with all the mystery?”

“You’ll see.”

By prearrangement, the car delivered them right onto the tarmac where a small private jet waited to take them home.

“What’s all this?” Grace asked.

“Your chariot, my love.”

“Since when can we afford to fly private?”

“Since your song went to number one and stayed there for twelve weeks. This is all your fault.”

She smiled even as she rolled her eyes. “My fault. Whatever you say.”

He placed his fingers on her chin and met her gaze. “There’s no ‘My Amazing Grace’ without my amazing Grace.” Kissing her, he added, “You’re the secret to all my success, and now I want to spoil you a little bit, so will you please let me?”

“If I must.”

“You must.” He followed her out of the car, helped the driver with their bags and then walked with her up the stairs to the plane. They were greeted by the pilots and flight attendant and given VIP service on the two-and-a-half-hour flight. When the pilot announced they’d be landing in thirty minutes, Evan opened his backpack and found the item he’d bought on the sly a week ago in anticipation of this moment.

“What’s that?”

“The blindfold I need you to wear for a short Copyright 2016 - 2024