Blackout After Dark (Gansett Island #21) - Marie Force Page 0,50

and asking if she was okay with it.

Do it, Nik replied.

“Green light from her,” Jordan told Gigi.

“I’ll write something up and send it over when I get home.”

“Thanks, Gigi.”

“Anything for you guys. You know that. And even though he was an asshole, I’m sorry you lost your dad.”

“Thanks. Love you.”

“Love you, too. Always.”

Jordan ended the call and turned to Mason. “Thanks for the great idea.”

“You would’ve thought of it eventually. You guys are the experts in managing this stuff.”

“I appreciate that you thought of it.”

“I’m being selfish. I can’t go to LA while the power is out, and there’s no way I’d let you go without me.”

“I’m not going to LA. Ever since things happened with Zane, I’ve realized—with a lot of help from my therapist and my grandmother—that I need to protect myself from things that can hurt me. That funeral would hurt me because…” Her voice broke, and she gave herself a minute to gather her composure. “Because in the back of my mind, I always had hope that someday he might see the error of his ways and try to build a bridge with us. And now…”

“Now there’s no chance of that.”


He kissed the top of her head and kept his arm around her, even though it was nine hundred degrees in the small house that had become home to her since she’d moved in with him earlier in the summer. She’d never lived in such a small space or been as happy as she’d been there with him.

“I’m very sorry you lost that possibility, sweetheart.”

“Me, too.”

“If you want to stay home today, we can.”

“No, that’s okay. You took the afternoon off to go to the party.”

“I took the afternoon off to spend it with you. We’ve both been so busy for weeks that I’m greedy for time with you.”

“You spend time with me every day.”

“It’s never, ever, ever enough.”

Jordan moved to straddle his lap so she could look him in the eyes when she kissed him. “I never imagined anyone would love me the way you do.”

“I love you to infinity and beyond.”

“Okay, Buzz Lightyear.”

Mason smiled and curled a strand of her long dark hair around his index finger. “Maybe we should stay home and spend this stolen afternoon alone.”

“Maybe we could do both—spend some time alone and hit the party later.”

“I do like the way you think.”

“I do like the way you smell,” she said, kissing his neck.

He tightened his hold on her and tipped his head to kiss her.

Jordan had never been kissed the way Mason did it, as if he was dying for her every time he came near her. He made her feel so loved and wanted and accepted just as she was, which had been such an amazing gift.

His big hands cupped her ass and pulled her in tight against his erection. “I want you so bad, all the time, even when it’s hotter than the surface of the sun in here.”

Jordan laughed and kissed away a bead of sweat that rolled down his face. “Let’s go take a sweaty nap.”

“Good plan. Can we do it just like this?”

He loved when she was on top of him. “Any way you want it.”

“That’s a pretty broad statement. You’d better watch out. My imagination is super fertile where you’re concerned.”

“I’m not afraid of you.”

As they moved to the bedroom, he wrapped an arm around her from behind and pushed his hard cock into the cleft of her ass, letting her know what “anything” might entail.

“Okay, I’m scared of that.”

Mason laughed. “You never have anything to be afraid of where I’m concerned.”

Standing by the bed, he helped her out of her tank top and shorts and then tipped her chin up so he could see her face. “You know that, right?”

“Yes, Mason, I know that.”

“Even if we did that, I’d make it so good for you. That’d be my only concern. You are my only concern.”

She reached up to put her arms around his neck, and he helped her by lifting her and curling her legs around his waist. He was so much bigger than her, but he was never intimidating, only ever touching her with love and reverence that made her feel treasured every second they were together—and even when they weren’t.

With her wrapped around him, he sat on the bed and kissed her as he cupped her breasts and teased her nipples. In the past, it’d taken a lot for her to become aroused. With Mason, all he had to do was Copyright 2016 - 2024