Blackout After Dark (Gansett Island #21) - Marie Force Page 0,37

he was away, and he’d want you to be happy.”

“He always said that’s all he wanted. To make me happy.”

“He knows you’re happy with me and George and how much we love and need you. He’d never try to take you away from us.”

“Some people might think this entire thing is nuts, that we’re actually talking about my fiancé coming back from the dead to take me away from my husband and son.”

“Who gives a flying fuck what anyone else thinks? The only thing that matters is that you’re okay.”

“Thank you for listening and not thinking I’m crazy.”

“I’m always happy to listen to you.” Alex hugged her tightly. “I love you more than anything.” He kissed her lips and then kissed the remaining tears off her cheeks. “You feel better?”

“Yeah, I do.”


“And by the way, I love you, too.”

Alex and Jenny were still standing there when an attractive Black couple came up the stairs from the beach and made their way toward the lighthouse.

“You suppose they’re the new keepers?” Alex asked.

“Let’s find out.” Jenny stepped out of his embrace to walk toward them. “Hi, I’m Jenny Martinez. Are you guys the new lighthouse keepers?”

“We are. I’m Oliver Watkins, and this is my wife, Dara.”

Jenny shook hands with both of them. “Great to meet you, and welcome to Gansett. I had this gig for a while before I was married, and it was a lot of fun.” She glanced wistfully at the lighthouse that had been so instrumental in changing her life. “That’s my husband, Alex. Our son is sleeping in the car, or he’d come over.”

Alex gave them a wave.

Was it her imagination, or did the mention of their son make the couple tense? “What brings you to our fair island?”

“A chance for a reset,” Oliver said.

Jenny nodded with understanding. “I get that. I was in need of the same thing when I came here. This place was good for me. I hope it will be for you, too.”

“Is it always so hot here?” Dara asked.

Jenny laughed. “Not usually, although an earlier heat wave led me to my husband.”

“Are you hearing anything about the situation with the power?” Oliver asked.

“Not much except it’s apt to be out for a few days if it’s anything like past power failures around here.”

“That’s just great,” Dara said with a frown. “If you’ll excuse me. It was nice to meet you, Jenny.”

“You, too.”

After his wife had walked away, Oliver said, “I’m sorry. She… We… It’s been a rough year, and…”

Jenny put her hand on his arm. “Please don’t apologize to me. I know all about rough years. Hell, I’ve had rough decades.” She pulled her phone from her back pocket. “Give me your number, and I’ll text you so you have mine. If I can do anything, anything at all, please get in touch. Wherever you are, I promise you, I’ve been there.”

“That’s very kind of you.” He gave her his number.

“There,” Jenny said. “I sent you a text so you’ll have mine. We’d love to have you over for dinner sometime. Shoot me a text when you’re settled and ready to meet some people.”

“We’ll do that. Appreciate it.”

“Enjoy your time here. It’s a very special place.”

“I’m beginning to realize that. Thanks again.”

As Jenny returned to where she’d left Alex, his cell phone rang with the tone he’d assigned to Paul. “You mind if I take this?”

“Of course not. Go ahead.”

“Hey.” Alex took the call while drawing Jenny close to him with his free hand. “What’s up?” He listened for a minute. “Yeah, sure. We’ll be right there.”

“What’s going on?” Jenny asked.

“He wants us to come to Mom’s right away. He said to hurry.”

“He didn’t say why?”

“No,” Alex said, his jaw tight with tension. “What the hell is wrong now?”

Chapter 13

Paul Martinez was afraid to breathe. His mother, the mother who’d raised them with love and discipline and humor, the mother they’d lost to dementia over the last couple of years, was back. She was fully lucid and her old self in almost every possible way. With Scarlett on her lap, Marion absorbed every detail of the granddaughter she’d met many times before now, but this… This was different.

“She’s so beautiful,” Marion said, her eyes tearful. “Why haven’t you brought her to see me before now?”

“I have, Mom.”

Marion’s brows knitted with confusion. “No, you haven’t. And you’re married! Why don’t I remember the wedding?”

“We eloped, Marion,” Hope said, glancing at Paul with amazement.

“And there’s a boy. I remember a boy.”

“My son, Ethan. You and Copyright 2016 - 2024