Blackout After Dark (Gansett Island #21) - Marie Force Page 0,115

when she needed you.”

“Stepping up for them was the second-best thing I’ve ever done, after marrying my Carolina.”

“Thanks again for having me.”

“I’ll be in touch.”

Jace shook his hand and got out of the truck.

Seamus watched him join the line to get on the ferry, waiting until Jace presented his ticket and got on the boat before he pulled out of the parking lot and drove home, filled with a powerful sense of relief. After having met Jace and learned he was a decent sort of bloke, Seamus felt better about welcoming the man into their lives.

When he got home, Carolina was supervising the boys as they ate spaghetti and meatballs, their adorable little faces covered in sauce, as usual.

Carolina gave him a welcoming smile, and Seamus felt himself finally relax for the first time since they got the letter from Jace’s attorney.

He took a seat at the table, and Carolina brought plates for both of them.

“Thanks, love.” To the boys, he said, “Thank you for being so nice to my friend. He really liked you guys.”

“He was nice,” Jackson said around a mouthful of meatball. “Can he come back to play again sometime?”

“Aye,” Seamus said. “He’ll be back.”

Chapter 45

Late on Friday afternoon, Grant McCarthy was home alone when he received a delivery of flowers. “Thank you,” he said to the young man who’d brought them from the island florist.

“Have a nice day.”

“You, too.” Grant took the vase of multicolored roses into the kitchen, placed them on the counter and then found the card.

Since we didn’t know what to send a fancy award-winning screenwriter on his big night with the hometown crowd, we hope roses will do. We’re so proud of you, Stephanie and Charlie and so sorry to miss the premiere. We can’t wait to see the movie! Love you, Mac & Maddie + 5

Touched by the gesture and the sweet words, Grant put through a call to his older brother.

“Hey, bud,” Mac said. “How’s it going?”

“I should be asking you that. Thanks for the flowers. You guys didn’t have to do that.”

“Yes, we did. We feel bad about missing it.”

“You’ve got the best possible excuse. I’ll make sure you get your own private screening when you get back.”

“We’ll look forward to that.”

“How are Maddie and the babies today?”

“Everyone’s doing well. The girls are still in the NICU for the time being, but we’re told that’s a good thing because they can keep a really close eye on them there. They want to keep them another week or so, and then we’ll move to Frank’s house for another week so we can be close to the hospital if need be. That’s the plan at the moment, anyway. Of course, we’re dying to get back to the other kids, too.”

“They miss you, but they’re doing okay.”

“Thank God for Mom, Francine, Tiffany, Kelsey and everyone else who has helped. It takes a village to have twins on the mainland when you have three little ones on an island.”

“I can only imagine.”

“Are you ready for tonight?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“How about Steph?”

“I don’t know, she hasn’t said much about it. I’m trying to play it cool with her. I don’t want her to feel pressured to see it if it’ll hurt her.”

“Sounds like the best way to play it.”

“I have to be honest. I’ve been kind of caught up in the details and so excited about the way it came together that I hadn’t given enough thought to how it would affect her to see her story played out this way.”

“She was foremost in your mind the whole way through, Grant. I have no doubt about that. It’s an amazing story, and she and Charlie deserve all the praise and publicity they’re getting—and so do you. I’m hearing there’s lots of Oscar talk attached to this film.”

“Ack, don’t even say it. You’ll jinx us.”

Mac laughed. “I won’t say it. I’ll just wish you all the best.”

“Thanks again for the flowers.”

“Break a leg, bro.”

“Give Maddie and the babies a kiss from us.”

“Will do. Talk soon.”

Grant took a shower, shaved and got changed into a dress shirt and khakis, which were much more in keeping with the Gansett Island vibe than the tuxedo he’d worn to the Hollywood premiere. He thought about stopping at the Bistro on his way to the theater, but decided not to because he honestly didn’t want Stephanie to feel pressured.

Friday nights in August were busy at the restaurant, so she might not make it, and he was fine with Copyright 2016 - 2024