Blackout After Dark (Gansett Island #21) - Marie Force Page 0,106

son Shane, who was dancing with his wife, Katie, next to them.

“Power’s back on.”

“Oh, thank goodness,” Frank said.

“Thank goodness is right,” Katie said. “I can’t take another night in this heat without air conditioning.”

“She’s not kidding,” Shane said, smiling at his wife. “She’s a bear without her AC.”

“Guilty as charged,” Katie said. “It’s been awful.”

The air in the big room already felt cooler as the air conditioning came back on with full force.

“Shane, will you please talk to your father and tell him we can’t plan a wedding in two months’ time?”

Katie laughed. “Oh, how fun!”

“He’s crazy,” Betsy said, rolling her eyes.

“He’s crazy about you and can’t wait to be married to you,” Frank said.

“Aww,” Katie said. “That’s so sweet, and we can pull off a wedding in two months. Of course we can.”

“You’re all crazy,” Betsy said.

“And you already know that,” Shane said, smiling. “So, you’d better be sure before you marry into the circus known as the McCarthy family.”

“Hey,” Frank said. “Don’t try to talk her out of it. I’m already batting way above my pay grade with her.”

“That’s true,” Shane said, his expression deadpan.

While Frank sputtered with outrage, the others laughed.

Owen and Laura came over to see what was so funny.

“Dad’s trying to talk Betsy into marrying him in two months,” Shane told his sister. “She thinks he’s crazy, and Dad is worried about me trying to talk her out of it. Oh, and she’s way out of his league. Now you’re caught up.”

“A wedding in two months?” Laura asked. “That’s doable. Let’s have it at the Surf. I’ll take care of everything. Late October is beautiful.”

“Every one of you is crazy,” Betsy said, her dark eyes glittering with amusement, “but I know when I’m outnumbered. Laura, I’d love to get married at the Surf. Shane, there’s nothing you can say to talk me out of marrying your dad. Sorry. And, Frank, stop thinking you’re marrying up. I’m the one who’s marrying up. Not only do I get you, but I get your beautiful family, too. So yes to late October, yes to everything, including the McCarthy family craziness.”

Surrounded by friends and family, Frank put his arms around her and kissed her as if they were alone, while the others whooped and hollered. He couldn’t wait to make her his wife.

Chapter 40

“Best day ever,” Quinn said as he danced with Mallory. “I can’t believe you’re finally my wife. I can’t believe I finally have a wife.”

“Better late than never, I guess.”

“I was waiting for you. I’d never met anyone I could imagine being married to until you bowled me over.” He punctuated his sweet words with an even sweeter kiss that had their guests cheering for the bride and groom.

“If I can have everyone’s attention,” Jared said when the song came to an end.

Quinn put his arm around Mallory to escort her back to their seats at the head table. “I’m sorry for whatever’s about to happen here.”

Mallory laughed. “I can’t wait to hear what he has to say.”

“Lizzie and I want to thank you all for being here today and extend our thanks to our hosts, Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy, for this beautiful day in honor of my brother Quinn and his lovely bride, Mallory. I’ve rarely met two people who were more destined for each other, right down to sharing the same exact birthday, not to mention the same profession. From the day he met you, Mallory, Quinn was a different man. He was brighter, lighter, funnier, happier. He smiled more than I’ve ever seen him smile, and he’s never stopped smiling in all the time you two have been together. I’ve begun to believe he never will.”

The sound of a screaming baby had everyone shifting their gazes to the doorway, where a young woman stood with a baby, a frantic look on her face. “I’m… I’m sorry. Lizzie. I need Lizzie.”

“Excuse me,” Lizzie said as she got up from her seat and rushed over to the other woman.

“Who’s that?” Quinn asked Jared.

His brother’s jaw clenched with tension. “Someone that Lizzie is helping out.” Jared appeared to make an effort to shake off the interruption. “Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes, I was about to say here’s to Quinn and Mallory.” He raised a glass of champagne in a toast to them.

“May you have many happy years together.”

Other guests toasted the bride and groom, while Jared’s gaze was fixed on the doorway as tension rolled off him in waves.

Quinn wondered what was really going on.

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