BlackMoon Beginnings - By Kaitlyn Hoyt Page 0,89

comfort zone. He doesn’t talk much, but he always seems to know what I am thinking and what I need to hear. I feel my eyes drift towards Colton; just looking at him makes my heart race. I don’t understand why he is ignoring me. I hope that he comes to his senses soon. Liam squeezes my shoulder and I bring my attention back to the movie.

I always loved this movie, so it isn’t hard for me to become glued to the screen, unlike a lot of the movies we usually watch. I laugh every time Wesley says “You warthog-faced buffoon.” This time my laugh is accompanied by another’s. I instantly tense, recognizing the voice standing in the doorway.

“Hey guys, did you miss me?” Natasha sweetly coos. Walking in the room, she sits incredibly close to Colton. He doesn’t look at her though; he keeps his attention on the screen. It sickens me how good they look together. She keeps reaching over and touching his arm, trying to get his attention. It gives me great pleasure to see that he isn’t paying any attention to her, but I’m still angry at her for what she did to our room. My magic is bubbling to the surface, screaming at me to unleash it.

“I need to…something.” No longer able to stand being in the same room as her anymore, I get up and walk out. Colton isn’t encouraging her, but he’s not telling her to stop it either. Soon, I hear footsteps behind me and find Emma trying to catch up with me.

“I couldn’t stay in there with her. I’m still mad at her for what she did to our room. I keep imagining myself hitting her.” We walk back to our room and change into our training outfits. After a movie, we always go outside and train. The sessions are becoming more vigorous lately considering that Dravin could attack any day now. We have to be prepared for the worst.

“Training time already?” Claire asks while stirring pasta in a boiling pan.

“We’re a little early. Natasha walked in, while we were watching a movie. We still aren’t on friendly terms with her at this moment,” Emma responds as she takes a seat at the table.

“Ahh, I understand what that’s like.”

“Shoot. I forgot a hair tie again. I’m going to go grab one.”

Once in my room, I walk over to the nightstand beside my bed and grab one of the random ones that I have lying around. I walk back to the entertainment room to see if anyone is still in there, but the room is empty. I notice that Colton’s door is open across the hall though. I can probably catch him before he joins everyone else for training and find out what’s been wrong lately. I need to know.

I stop in his doorway. The sight in front of me threatens to bring tears to my eyes. I feel like my heart has plummeted and crash landed in my stomach. Colton is standing in the middle of his room, with his hands on Natasha’s hips, kissing her.

I start to move away, trying not to make any noises when an arm wraps around my waist. Liam pulls me towards him and wraps me in a hug, while simultaneously walking down the hallway. I come back to my senses when we reach the stairs and I am able to walk down on my own. “I’m sorry you saw that.”

“Saw what?” asks Emma, standing up when she sees me.

“Nothing.” I say. At the same time, Liam replies, “Colton kissing Natasha.”

Emma gasped. “No! He wouldn’t. Not after…”

“It’s fine guys. I knew that I wasn’t good enough anyways…not compared to someone like her.”

“Ryanne, that’s—” Liam starts to reply when Colton walks into the room, Natasha trailing behind him, smiling at me.

“You!” Emma says and points angrily at Colton. I grab her extended hand and silently demand that she stop. He can’t know.

“Me?” Colton is clearly confused, but there is no way I am going to inform him of what is going on.

“Would you train with me today, Liam? I could really use a good beating right now,” I ask. I really do want to fight someone who won’t hold back.

“I’ll train with you, but I’m not going to hit you,” Liam says.

“Ugh, Fine. I’ll just go attack some dead trees. Making things explode works all the same.” I mumble while walking outside.

“What’s wrong with her?” asks Colton.

Emma snaps at him, “Wouldn’t you like to know!” and Copyright 2016 - 2024