BlackMoon Beginnings - By Kaitlyn Hoyt Page 0,77

one point. I’m not standing in her way, so I don’t know why she keeps glaring at me like that.”

“Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Colton isn’t giving her any attention because he keeps glancing at you.”

I lift my head off his shoulder and glance over at Colton and Natasha. He is quietly talking to her, not looking at me. I don’t know what Liam’s talking about. “He does not.”

“Does too.”

“I’m not having this conversation.” We settle into silence. Listening to the conversations around us, I hear Conner mention that he missed last week’s episode of The Big Bang Theory. Gasping, I turn around and ask, “You watch The Big Bang Theory?”

“Yes, it’s weird, but it’s one of the only shows that I can stand to watch.”

“I love it. Sheldon is so hilarious.” We start animatedly talking about Leonard and Penny’s relationship, the quirkiness of Howard and Raj, and strange friendship/relationship between Sheldon and Amy.

“Aww, look they’re having a nerd moment,” says David.

“Hey, hey. Don’t diss it. Just because you can’t understand anything more complicated than a rock…” I smile innocently at him.


“Oh, little girl. You asked for it,” says David, while standing up. Walking towards me, he wiggles his fingers.

“You wouldn’t!”

“Wouldn’t I?” He is getting closer to me. My eyes dart to the door, right before I run towards it. He runs after me and catches me in the hallway. Wrapping his arms around my midriff, he starts tickling my stomach.

Doubling over laughing, I say “Mercy, Mercy.” I am laughing so hard, I can barely get a word out. “You’re a genius,” I manage.

“I know.” He drags me back into the room. I yank my hand out of his and sulk back towards Liam. Sitting on the ground, I fake pout towards David. “You’re not very nice; picking on girls smaller than you.” He chuckles before sitting back in the chair and wraps his arm around Emma. She snuggles into this side.

An hour later, Madison has fallen asleep and Conner decides that it is time for them to leave. Standing in the living room, by the front door, everyone is saying their goodbyes. Natasha is still glued to Colton’s side.

“It was very nice talking to Ryanne. I hope we meet again soon,” says Conner.

“Me too.”

“Colton, can I speak with you? Alone,” asks Natasha. Colton runs a hand through his hair and I think I see him glance at me, but I don’t know for sure.

“Umm, sure.” She pulls him outside, shutting the door after her. Out of sight and out of hearing range. For some reason, I just stare at the door, unable to pull my eyes away.

“He’s not interested in Natasha,” David whispers in my ear.

Blinking, I draw my eyes away from the door. “Okay?” I look at him trying to find the underlying meaning to his statement. When he doesn’t explain further, I shake my head and say, “I think I’m going to go to bed. I’m pretty tired.” I turn away and head upstairs slowly.

“Goodnight Ryanne,” a chorus of voices says behind me.

Even buried under the comforter, I start shivering. I don’t have any warmer clothing to change into. Spotting Colton’s sweatshirt folded on the dresser, I push the covers back and put it on, inhaling. The shirt smells like his cologne. I walk back to the bed and pull the covers back, nestling under the sheets. Closing my eyes, I slowly drift into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up to the sound of a shower the next morning. Instead of waiting for Emma to get out, I get up and go down to the kitchen to look for Claire. Instead, I find Colton searching through the cabinets. Looking down, I realize that I had slept in his sweatshirt. Shoot. I try to back out of the room quietly, without catching his attention. Since I have absolutely no luck, he turns around at the last second.

“Morning Ryanne.” He says giving me his thousand-watt smile. His smile grows when he sees what I am wearing. I walk over and lean against the island behind him.

“I got really cold last night,” I try to explain. “Do you want it back?” I start to pull my arms out of the sleeves to take it off, but Colton reaches out and grabs my hand.

“Keep it.” I blush and look away. Stepping closer and lightly caressing my cheek, he says, “You blush so easily.” That, of course, just makes me blush more. His breath against my cheeks makes Copyright 2016 - 2024