BlackMoon Beginnings - By Kaitlyn Hoyt Page 0,5

back to work. I hope you feel better soon Ryanne.” Abruptly, he turns around and walks away. My eyes follow him as he leaves the room and disappears from my sight.

“I apologize for the rudeness of my nephew. How is your head?”

I pause and think about it. I’m not in as much pain anymore. “Actually, it feels much better, thank you. The Advil really worked.”

“Indeed, the Advil. Well, if you are feeling better, is there anything I can help you with?”

“No, I’m…Well, yes. I actually came here to buy a book. Do you have The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis? I’m supposed to read it for school.”

“Ah, C.S. Lewis. Yes, I do. Follow me.”

I follow her back to the fantasy section, where she steps onto a step stool to reach the books on the top shelf. “Hmm, I know it is up here somewhere,” she mumbles to herself.

Eye level to me was a thickly bound book: Witchcraft 101: Guidebook to basic spells. Its black cover and cursive violet text, outlined in gold, captures my attention. Taking it off the shelf, I turn it over and read the back cover.

“Do people actually buy these books?”

Laughing, she replies, “You’d be surprised. Will this be all?” She hands the book to me.

Reaching for it, I say, “Yes, thank you very much for everything.”

“You’re very welcome. No need to thank me. I hope you are feeling better. Now, go to the front and ask Colton to check that out for you.”

I walk towards the front of the store and see Colton, with his back to me, reaching towards the top shelf, dusting it off. I just watch him. He barely has to stretch to reach the top shelf. His shirt has risen slightly under his extended arm, exposing a patch of tanned skin. Is there anything wrong with this guy? I must have made a noise, for he turns around and catches me staring. I jerk my eyes from him, but the damage is already done. He raises his eyebrows and smirks at me. “Can I help you with anything?”

My face turns a deep shade of red. I can’t help it; I am a blusher. I place the book on the counter. “I need to pay for this,” I reply while avoiding eye contact. I pick up a pen and pretend to be interested in it.

At that moment, lightning lights up the sky and thunder rumbles, causing me to jump and drop the pen I had in my hands. Feeling my face turn a deeper shade of red, I bend over and pick it up, putting it back where I found it. I can feel him staring at me. Moving on, I pretend to be interested in the set of bookmarks lining the front counter. Chuckling, he grabs my book and rings it up.

I hand him the cash without looking at him. I know that I’m already blushing insanely and if I look at him, it’ll deepen.

“Do you need a bag for this?”

“Umm, nope. I can carry it. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Oh, and drive carefully. The weather is pretty bad.”

Nodding, I turn around and walk out of the store. This time, I look both ways before crossing the road. That was enough excitement for one day.

Chapter Three

I am surrounded by dozens of people, all looking at me with menacing glares. Their weapons are drawn and look ready to kill. I start backing up until I can move no more. Pressing myself up against a tree, I look around hoping to find something or someone to help me, but I come up empty. I am completely surrounded yet totally alone.

A feeling of panic sinks in as the men start swarming me. “Ryanne, run!” someone yells from my right. I turn to see who is talking to me, but I can’t see anything but the mysterious man’s profile. His body is outlined by the shadows. He runs past me, sword out, into the group, hitting many men in the process. I can’t move. I can’t take my eyes away from him.

Caught up in the moment, I don’t see the man that got past my hero. Grabbing me around the waist, he starts dragging me into the forest, covering my mouth. I try screaming, but no sound comes out. My struggling is futile as the man is much larger and stronger than me. He carries me farther into the forest, surrounding me with darkness.

With a gasp, I bolt upright and frantically look around. Copyright 2016 - 2024