BlackMoon Beginnings - By Kaitlyn Hoyt Page 0,49

he usually is. I have to really arch my neck to look at him.

“We have to go help.”

Walking down two more steps, so we’re closer in height, he says, “You have to stay with me at all times. They are probably coming for you.”

When I agree, Colton grabs my wrist and pulls me down the stairs. We run through the kitchen and out the backdoor, joining everyone else. I have only been with these people for a short time, but I already love them. They care about me, just as much as I do them. I haven’t had someone care for me like this in a while.

Tom turns to us and says, “We are going to head into the woods and draw them away from the house. Claire put an enchantment up, so they shouldn’t be able to find it anyways, but just to be safe…” He stops and looks at Emma and me, “I want you girls to stay with at least one of the guys. You aren’t as experienced as they are with fighting. Keep together and try to not split up.” He turns and looks at everyone again. “I don’t know how many are out there. Claire is on her way home to help. Someone stay with Ryanne at all times. They are most likely coming to find her and we can’t let that happen.” I feel all eyes move to me.

Tom looks towards the trees, we can hear people coming. “Are you guys ready?” No one says anything, but we know what we have to do. I want so fiercely to protect these people around me. Tom starts walking into the woods and I am the first one to follow.

After walking for about ten minutes, I begin to wonder where they are. I can hear them all around us. Twigs are snapping in every direction and the sound of branches and leaves brushing together and being pushed aside sounds throughout the forest.

Ahh, there they are. “To the right,” I tell Tom as I catch someone’s thoughts.

One man bolts out from the trees and runs straight toward Tom. Tom is prepared for the attack though. Their swords clash together a couple of times, before Tom is able to knock it free, sending it crashing to the ground. He hits the man on the head with the handled end of the sword, causing him to fall to the ground. Seconds after that, all hell breaks loose.

Tom, Logan, David, and Colton, form a circle around Emma and I and take on the attack by themselves. They are able to disarm and knock the first couple of men out, but soon they are outnumbered and surrounded. I am getting mad. I have to do something. If we have any chance of getting out of this, we have to move and Emma and I have to fight.

We share a knowing look, for we know what has to be done. Without looking at the guys, Emma and I jump out of the circle and run straight towards a couple of men, surprising them with our attack. The surprise only lasts a couple of seconds. Breaking out of their trance, they run towards us, weapons drawn.

I brandish my weapon out. Not really sure what in the world I am doing. I just hope that I connect with something. The man trips on a tree root and falls towards me; my sword sweeps across his chest. Blood starts seeping out of the wound, as he catapults to the ground. I don’t have time to dwell on the fact that I may have just killed someone before another person comes towards me.

This man is smaller than the previous one. He swipes his sword out, cutting me in the arm. Blood starts trickling out of the shallow cut. This awakes a natural instinct for survival. This is a fight or flight situation. I can’t flee, so I’ll fight. Fight with everything I have in me. I am able to disarm this man and knock him out within a couple of seconds. I don’t think they are prepared for me to be able to fight them back.

I look around and see Logan, Colton, David, and Tom all fighting off multiple men at once. It would have been fascinating to watch. Emma is a little farther off, fighting a single person. I feel like I was just thrown into an action movie where everything is choreographed. Only this isn’t a movie. This is real and nothing is choreographed. Copyright 2016 - 2024