BlackMoon Beginnings - By Kaitlyn Hoyt Page 0,31

the staircase, quietly whispering to one another. I put the books back on the shelf, not wanting to damage them, and walk down the other set of stairs, running my hand along the banister as I go. At the bottom, I walk past Colton and David and head over to the newer section of books. I see many books that I recognize and some that I don’t.

I grab a book that has a collection of the Grimm Brother’s Fairy Tales and head over to the couch to sit down and read.

Chapter Eleven

I am dreaming about the man in the woods again; the man that grabs me and drags me into the forest, surrounding me with darkness. I try screaming, but nothing comes out. I can hear my name being called, but I can’t call back, because the man is covering my mouth—preventing me from making any noise. Though muffled, I can hear my name reverberating through the darkness. Ryanne. Ryanne. Ryanne.

“RYANNE!” I open my eyes and slam them shut once light hits me. Disoriented, I open them slower this time and see Colton standing over me, shaking me, trying to wake me up.

“What happened?”

“You fell asleep,” Colton says. “You started mumbling something and then you started screaming. What were you dreaming about?” I sit up and recount the whole dream, not leaving out any details.

“Why didn’t you tell us this before?”

“I only had the dream once before and didn’t think anything of it. I thought it was just a nightmare, you know?” I pause, and then go on, “I noticed something this time though. I think the man that dragged me away was the same guy that attacked us today.”

Colton looks at David, “We have to tell Claire.”

“She’s at the shop; we’ll have to wait until she closes.”

With a defeated groan, Colton runs his hand through his hair. “Fine. Have you had any other dreams that may be visions?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Ok then. Just tell us if something happens again.” I nod, not trusting myself to say anything. An uncomfortable silence descends on the room. I can feel their eyes boring into me as I look at the carpet.

The Grimm Brother’s fairy tale book is lying on the floor. I must have kicked it off the couch during the dream. Reaching down, I pick it up and push myself off the couch. Walking over to the shelf, I place the book back where it belongs. When I walk back towards the couch, both guys are standing up, talking quietly again. When I stop in front of them, they quit whispering and turn towards me. “Are you hungry?” David asks, “We can order pizza.”

Without waiting for a response, David takes out his cell phone and starts walking down the hallway, ordering a pizza at the same time.

I looked to Colton, “He has the pizza place on speed dial.” I meant it as a question, but it came out as a statement.

“Food is very important to him.”

We follow David down the hallway and back into the living room. Passing through the doorway, I hear the faint sounds of my phone ringing. Rushing past Colton, I grab my bag and pull out my phone, checking the caller I.D. It’s Jane. I answer the phone and glance around the room, looking for somewhere to go for some privacy. Colton points towards the kitchen. I silently thank him and walk away.

“What’s up Jane?”

“Hey, Ryanne. Nothing. Just wondering how you were doing?”

“I’m doing fine. How are you? Are you still at Ross’s?”

“I’m great, Ry. Thanks for asking. Yes, I’m still at Ross’s house,” she pauses. I can practically hear the excitement on the other end. “I think he is going to propose to me soon! I can feel it. Oh, are you okay by yourself? Do you need me to come home?”

“No, no I’m fine Jane. I’m an adult now. I can be on my own. Stay with Ross. I’m really happy for you! That’s so exciting.” I am a little disappointed, but grateful at the same time. This will allow me to spend more time at Claire’s and train a little. We talked for a little while longer and then said our goodbyes.

I walk back into the living right as the doorbell rings. I sit down next to David on the couch. He reaches out and put his arms around me. He is definitely flirty, but in a friendly way. I am at ease around him. I lean into his side, relaxing. Colton pushes Copyright 2016 - 2024