BlackMoon Beginnings - By Kaitlyn Hoyt Page 0,28

kick your little butt.

“But you wouldn’t, because you’re a gentleman.” He just scoffs at me.

Says who?

“Okay, she can read my thoughts. Colton, your turn.” Colton puts my notebook down and walks towards me, sitting beside me on the couch instead of in front of me like everyone else. I angle my body towards him and place my hands in his outstretched hands. Ignoring the butterflies that shoot through my stomach, I close my eyes and concentrate on his thoughts only, but get nothing. There are only two thought strands running through my mind and I have already determined they are Claire’s and David’s.

“I can’t read your thoughts.”

Chapter Ten

I can’t read his thoughts. There is a void. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. “Are you thinking of anything?”

“Yes, I was thinking about something.”

“About what?”

“Well, if you can’t read my thoughts then there is no point in telling you, now is there?” He smiles. “You can’t read my mind, interesting.”

“How is that interesting?”

He just shrugs and refuses to reply. I look at David to see if he can enlighten me, but he shakes his head.

“Maybe his thoughts are too bad for you to hear,” David suggests, smirking.

“I highly doubt that.”


“Well, when we were at the house, I heard what the man that was holding me hostage was thinking. I doubt Colton’s thoughts are worse than his.” I shiver remembering his plans. Gasping, I look at Colton, “Maybe you’re my Bella!”

“Your what?” The look of confusion on his face is hilarious. David grabs his stomach and doubles over laughing. Claire attempts to cover her mouth with her hand to hide her laughter.

“Oh, Ryanne, you’re a hoot. I like you,” David says through his laughter. He turns and hits Colton on the back, “Twilight reference man.”

“Twilight? Like that vampire movie?”

“I was referring to the book, but the movie works as well.” It is funny that he doesn’t understand the reference, but David and Claire do. I can’t stop laughing. My stomach starts to ache and I have to concentrate really hard on calming down. Taking a deep breath, I turn towards Claire. “Does it mean anything that I can’t read his thoughts?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never heard of it happening before. I’ll do a little research.” She turns and leaves the room.

Colton is still sitting with his body angled towards mine. He reaches back and picks up my notebook, continuing to look at it.

“Can I please have it back? I don’t really like people looking at it.” I reach out to grab it, but he moves it behind him. I move closer to him, “Please.”

“Nope.” I am leaning really close to him. My chest brushes against his. I could smell his cologne again and feel his breath against the side of my face. My heart starts racing against my chest, threatening to make its beat heard. I hear Colton’s quick intake of breath. I slowly look away from the notebook and up at him. Colton’s staring down at me with wide eyes. His expression is unreadable. If only I could read his mind. He swallows audibly, which brings me back to my senses.

“Fine.” I sit back and look towards David. His eyes are glancing between Colton and me as he smiles and moves his eyebrows up and down suggestively. I shake my head and blush at his insinuation. Being around two guys is going to be difficult, I can tell that much already.

“Is this a drawing of our house?” Colton pushes the notebook towards me, pointing to a drawing at the bottom of one of the pages. I recognize it as the drawing I drew on Friday.

Confused, I looked at the page. With a gasp, I mumble, “So that’s where I’d seen it before.”

“You’ve seen our house before?” asks David.

“No, I had a dream about it once. I just remembered it now. I was walking in the woods and I came across this house.”

“You know what Ryanne? I’m starting to think that these dreams of yours aren’t actually dreams. Maybe they are some sort of vision. Maybe you’re psychic.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me. Let’s just add that to the list of things that make me even more of a freak.”

“You’re not a freak, Ryanne,” Colton says, disgruntled.

“Really? I got picked on in high school and called a freak almost every day and I didn’t even have any ‘abilities’ as you guys call them. You saw my locker on the last day of school. Now, I can read minds and may be psychic? On top of that, Copyright 2016 - 2024