Blackbird Broken (The Witch King's Crown #2) - Keri Arthur Page 0,96

time Mryddin secretly made the replica.”

“So why weren’t you aware of it?” I asked curiously.

“Because neither Uhtric nor Mryddin deemed it necessary for me to know, obviously.” There was just a touch of annoyance in her tone, though I didn’t think it was aimed at either of us, but rather at a past that couldn’t now be changed.

“Hiding the ring within the King’s Stone makes no sense, though,” Luc said. “The place is unsecured—why would they take such a risk? Especially when we didn’t return the sword until decades later?”

“The King’s Stone was never unsecured, Luc. We De Montforts have always protected it, even when there was no sword for others to covet.” She paused, her gaze moving past us. “Has the tide fallen enough for us to get back to the car?”

“Yes,” Luc said, “although we might get wet feet.”

“Wet feet I can cope with. Let’s move. We have a ring to find.”

She marched off with surprising speed, leaving the two of us scrambling after her. The plateau beyond the entrance and the rocky path down to the shore were wet and treacherous. Luc led the way, assisting Mo down despite her protests that she was perfectly fine, then helped me over the last few rocks. The waves lapped at our toes and the wind was damnably icy, but at least it was no longer raining.

Luc opened the Focus’s door and ushered Mo in. As I climbed into the driver seat, my phone rang, a sharp sound that echoed loudly across the otherwise still night.

I tugged it out of my pocket and glanced at the screen. “It’s Barney.”

Mo made a give-me motion. I handed it over, then pulled on my seat belt. Luc leaned on the door, obviously waiting to see what news Barney had.

Mo listened for a few minutes and then said, “Send me the address. We’ll meet you there in five hours. Do not—I repeat—do not go in without us.”

She was silent for a few seconds and then said, “Just tell them to be wary, Barney. After what happened at the funeral parlor, they’ll be on high alert at all their residences.”

He obviously agreed, because she made no further remonstrations and hung up.

“What’s happened?” I immediately said.

“The unexpected.” She paused. “It appears they’ve succeeded in transcribing a lot of the paperwork found at Karen Jacobs’s place.”


“And they’ve got an address.”

My heart began to beat a whole lot faster. “Whose address?”

But I knew. It was the only possibility that explained the undercurrent of excitement in her voice.

“Winter,” she said. “They’ve damn well found Winter.”

Chapter Thirteen

“Why on earth would Darkside have written his address down anywhere?” I said. “They haven’t been careless to date, so why start now?”

“It could be a trap,” Luc commented. “It would certainly explain the haphazard manner in which that place was cleaned out.”

“Barney is aware of the possibility,” Mo said. “He’s contacting the Manchester council and will arrange for the place to be monitored until we all get there. You coming with us, Luc, or following?”

He hesitated. “With you. Darkside is well aware I ride a motorbike and might be on the lookout for it.”

“You can’t leave it here,” I said. “It’ll be stolen or stripped for parts within hours.”

“I’ll call in a tow-truck and pick it up from them later. And I’ll drive—I’m not as tired as either of you.”

I didn’t bother arguing. While he made his call, I helped Mo move, then claimed the front seat. Luc climbed in, started the car, and drove off.

As the headlights speared the night, highlighting distant buildings, he said, “If it is Winter’s address, he’ll no doubt have the place well secured.”

“Barney’s no fool, even if I sometimes treat him as such.” Mo gave Luc the address and then added, “There’s a convenience store down the road—they’ll wait for us there.”

“We’re going after Winter?” I said, a little surprised. “What about the ring?”

“It’s safe enough for the moment. Winter has to be a priority, as it’s very obvious he’s a major player in this game.”

“I take it by the ‘they’ll’ comment,” I said, with more than a little trepidation, “that Ginny and Mia will be with Barney?”

“You didn’t think he was ever going to get out of that house without them, did you?”

“Well, no, but I do keep hoping common sense will finally kick in.”

Mo snorted. “When has either of them backed away from an adventure?”

“This is all too deadly to be called a mere adventure.”

“Perhaps, but they’ve always had your back, no matter what was Copyright 2016 - 2024