Blackbird Broken (The Witch King's Crown #2) - Keri Arthur Page 0,94

The water channel sounded flooded, and there were at least three or four mini waterfalls to be heard.

“Is it raining outside?” I pulled away from him and rolled my neck to get rid of the crick.

“Has been for hours now.”

“That explains the chill, but not all the water in here.”

“Darkside’s assault opened a few major fissures and has given the weather access. I daresay it’ll collapse the whole cavern in a hundred years or so.”

“We won’t be around to care.”

“No, but Mryddin might.” His gaze swept me, warm with concern. “How are you feeling?”

“Better.” I drew my knees up and wrapped my arms around them—as much to keep the chill away as to stop myself from reaching for him. “How long was I asleep?”

“Close to six hours.”

I stared at him. “No.”

A smiled twitched his lips. “Yes.”

“But the sea still sounds high.”

“Because it still is. The tide has only been in retreat for the last hour or so.”

“At least we should be able to get out.” I glanced around at Mo. Despite her having been astrally traveling for close to eight hours, there was no sign of consciousness returning anytime soon. But the rainbow surrounding her had muted, and that meant it was now taking a toll on her strength.

Anxiety stirred, but I knew better than to try and wake her before she was ready. Not only would it annoy her, but it could also endanger her life.

I scrubbed a hand across my face; dirt and dried blood flaked away under my touch, and I wanted nothing more than to soak the chill and the lingering aches away in a deep, hot bath. But that prospect wouldn’t be in the offing for at least another couple of hours.

I pushed to my feet and did some stretches. My backside was decidedly numb after sitting for so long on cold rock.

“I’ve more chocolate, if that’ll help,” Luc said.

“It would, but we’d better leave some for Mo. She’ll need an energy kick after this.”

“I did buy twelve bars, so there’s still plenty left.” He handed me a Snickers and then added softly, “I had time to think while you were asleep.”

My stomach plummeted. “Oh, that sounds ominous.”

“Not about you and me.”

“Good, because karma never appreciates the breaking of a handshake deal.”

“I think karma has too many other things on her plate to be worried about whether or not we follow through on our deal if and when we survive the next few weeks.”

“Given karma is a romantic, I wouldn’t bet on that.” I studied him for a second, seeing and not liking the seriousness in his expression. “So, what’s the problem?”

He hesitated. “What are you going to do about your brother?”

“Find him, of course.”

“And then? He’s been hatching this scheme for a very long time, Gwen. I think it’s too late now to try and talk sense into him.”

“I have to at least try. I don’t want to kill him.” I tore open the Snickers and took a bite. It tasted like sawdust and felt like a lump of concrete when I swallowed it. I wrapped the bar back up and shoved it into my coat pocket.

“And if he gives you no other choice?”

“I honestly don’t know. He’s my brother, my twin, and—” I broke off, but Luc nevertheless understood. It was evident in his expression, and in the gentle swirl of emotion that briefly flared between us. I sucked in a deep breath and then added, “But he chose Darkside over his own damn flesh and blood.”

Luc reached up and twined his fingers through mine. His grip was warm, but I found no real comfort in it. Not this time. “Despite everything, I don’t actually believe he’s chosen them over you. If he truly wanted you dead, Gwen, he could have killed you and Mo well before any of this started.”

“Perhaps he didn’t understand what either of us was capable of. He hasn’t exactly called off any of their attacks on us.”

“He may not be responsible for those. Just because he’s working with Darkside doesn’t mean he’s in full control of them.”

I studied him curiously for a second. “Why are you suddenly defending him?”

“I’m not, but—” He hesitated. “This is going to sound strange, but you dreamed while you slept, and it played out like a movie in my mind.”

I blinked. The connection went both ways. “That’s … a very interesting development.”

“Alarming, more likely, given I’m not telepathic.”

“Neither am I, but it didn’t stop me catching your memories of Aurora.” I hesitated. “What Copyright 2016 - 2024