Blackbird Broken (The Witch King's Crown #2) - Keri Arthur Page 0,78


“A simple delay in the paperwork and easily solved.”

“And the idiot who took potshots at you?”

“Stopped as soon as the situation was explained to him. I dare say these attacks will stop, too.”

“Something I thought would happen after you’d claimed—”

I stopped, my eyes widening as horror flooded me. But he either didn’t hear what I’d almost said or he hadn’t yet processed it.

“Damn it, Gwen, you’re my sister! I’m not going to sit back and do nothing.”

Then call off your people, I wanted to yell, tell them to goddamn stop. I sucked in a deep breath and pushed the anger back down again. While it was unlikely he’d missed my near slip, his anger might have overridden the comment enough that he wouldn’t dwell too much on it. But I couldn’t risk a repeat.

“If Mo doesn’t look to be recovering too well, I’ll call you. But I really think she just needs some rest. It’s been a busy few days.”

He made a low, frustrated sound. “Have you heard anything from the preternatural boys or even Luc about Tris’s murder?”

Rage stirred anew. Prodding me for information, no less … “Why would I?”

“You were there when it happened, weren’t you?”

“Yes.” But I hadn’t told him that; either he’d been there himself or he’d been informed of the fact afterward. “But that doesn’t mean they’ll keep me updated. They’re all playing their cards very close to their chests.”

“Even Luc? I mean, the attraction between you two is pretty obvious.”

“Attraction doesn’t equate to sharing a bed or bedtime secrets. I’m not you or Tris.”

It was out before I could stop it. I winced and glanced at Mo. She wiggled her hand—a movement that suggested as comments went, it wasn’t the worst thing I could have said.

“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” There was anger in his voice, not suspicion, and for that I was grateful.

“Oh, come on, you’re the one who boasted about sleeping with a certain merchant to get some insider information a few years ago.”

He grunted. “That’s true, but let’s face it, it was a very profitable experience.”

“There’s no profit in me sexing secrets out of Luc. If I need to know something, I’ll damn well ask the man.”

“And he’ll totally answer, because Blackbirds are not known for keeping secrets at all.”

“With good reason, Max.”

He snorted. “And yet they couldn’t stop the sword being claimed. Hell, they couldn’t even stop their own building from being attacked.”

“Because no one expected Darkside to attack damn foundations.”

He was silent for perhaps a second too long. “How do you know they did that?”

How did he? He shouldn’t have, if he was as innocent as he was claiming. “Because I was there. I felt the magic.”

“Damn it, Gwen, you need to stay away from both Luc and the Blackbirds. Please.”

“I can’t. It was my duty to protect the king’s sword, Max, and I failed in that duty.”

“Hardly, given it was claimed by the heir.”

“An heir who’s working with Darkside.” My heart was thumping so loudly as I said that, it was a wonder he couldn’t hear it. “I feel duty bound to rectify the situation.”

“That’s stupid. De Montfort women aren’t warriors—”

“We were once.”

“That was a long time ago, and you’re no warrior, Gwen. You haven’t even been able to access Nex and Vita’s full capabilities.”

My gaze rose to Mo’s. How did he know their full capabilities when she’d only recently told me about the true extent of their powers? Or was it merely a small snippet of information gleaned from everything else he’d gathered over the many years this plot had been in the planning?

“That’s not the point—”

“That is the point,” he cut in. “Darkside’s out to destroy the Blackbirds—”

“Or maybe they’re simply out to grab the Witch King’s artifacts they hold.”

“That’s merely a side benefit.” He paused. “Please, Gwen, do as I ask. I don’t want you dead.”

And if I kept going, that would be my fate. He might not have said it out loud, but that nevertheless was the implication.

“Hey,” I said with forced lightness. “I don’t want me dead either.”

“Then stay away from the Blackbirds. It’s not like they’ve been successful in stopping anything, anyway. They’re past their prime and their time.”

“Darkside would be stupid to underestimate them, Max, and so would you.”

“I don’t underestimate anyone. I never have.”

You underestimate me. You underestimate Mo. I swallowed heavily. “Anyway, none of this is important. Mo’s calling out for a cup of tea, so I’d better go. Keep safe, and keep in contact.”

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