Blackbird Broken (The Witch King's Crown #2) - Keri Arthur Page 0,72

what else he might be doing, he wouldn’t attack Mo or me. Wanted to believe that, in the end, blood ties would be stronger than the call of darkness.

After all, hadn’t he said not so long ago that he was working on a deal that would change our lives? Our lives, plural, which surely meant he wasn’t envisioning either of our deaths.

“Then we have a plan,” Mo was saying. “While you’re finishing your breakfast, Gwen, I might lay a few redirection spells around the place—just in case.”

Barney rose with her. “Let me throw in a couple—the more spells involved, the harder it’ll be to break through them.”

The two of them left. I grabbed my cutlery and tucked into my breakfast.

“I get the feeling there’s a whole lot of stuff you and Mo aren’t telling us.” Ginny studied me over the rim of her coffee mug. “The currents around you are a swirl of green and red, and that generally means stress and anger.”

“I’m guessing the latter is aimed at Max,” Mia said. “Because he’s done his usual disappearing trick at a time when he’d be handy to have around.”

“Oh, big flare of frustration and rage,” Ginny said. “Which means Max is definitely involved somewhere along the line.”

I shoved some bacon into my mouth and munched on it for several seconds while I desperately figured how I could answer without actually lying. Ginny would pick up the latter and only push further. I had no idea why Mo wanted them out of the loop when it came to Max, but I wasn’t about to gainsay her until I’d at least asked her about it.

“I think it’s fair to say I’m more than a little angry with him.” Which was nothing but the truth. “He hasn’t surfaced since the attack at Barney’s—hasn’t even contacted us.”

“He may not be aware of that attack,” Mia said sensibly. “Or even how bad the situation is getting.”

“This is Max we’re talking about.” There was an edge in my voice I couldn’t quite help. “If it happens in Ainslyn, he’s aware of it.”

“Then ring him,” Ginny said. “Demand he get his ass back here to help us ASAP.”

“Mo has said she’d handle it, so we’d best let her. But if he does happen to ring either of you, fob him off. ” I scooped up the last bit of egg and then pushed upright. “I better go get ready. Just … be careful today. Don’t lower your guard, and keep your weapons handy. Given how easily they got past the protections surrounding the Blackbird building, it might not matter how many spells Mo and Barney lay down here.”

“Thanks for that cheery thought,” Mia said, voice dry.

I smiled and headed out. By the time I’d brushed my teeth and retrieved my phone and all three knives, Mo had finished spelling and was waiting near the front door.

“Where’s Barney?” I shoved my arms into my coat and followed her outside.

“He and the girls have gone into the library so they can spread out the scroll and the notes.” She clicked open her car. “I’ll drive.”

“You’ve got a broken foot, remember?”

“And the car is automatic. Get in. I’ll be fine.”

I knew that tone of voice well enough, but I nevertheless felt obliged to keep arguing. “So why did you call in Mia to drive us around?”

“Because I thought we might need help. And I was right.”

I rolled my eyes and gave in. “If Max is intent on finding us, he’s got plenty of options—a whole damn building filled with them, in fact.”

“I know.” She grimaced. “I did gather—and burn—your toothbrushes, combs, and brushes so they couldn’t be used in any sort of tracking spell.”

I glanced at her sharply. “But not yours?”

“I’d rather he come after me than you.”

“I wouldn’t.”

She chuckled and patted my knee. “It’d take some pretty strong magic to take me out.”

“It’s not magic I’m worried about. They used a goddamn metal bar on Gianna’s cousin, remember.”

“I doubt they’d attempt that with me. Max is aware how swiftly I can raise a retaliation spell.”

“Even you can’t retaliate against a bullet.”

“Which is why I think—once we speak to Vivienne—we need to turn the tables on him.”

“He’s never been easy to track down. I doubt that’s going to change, especially now.”

“I suspect it will depend how much he thinks we know.”

“He’d have to be aware we have Gianna and his kids.”

“There were no survivors from either the attack at the house or the attempted kidnapping in the forest, so it’s Copyright 2016 - 2024