Blackbird Broken (The Witch King's Crown #2) - Keri Arthur Page 0,69

it, and then snapped upright, his gaze shooting across the road. I darted backward but not fast enough to prevent him spotting me. With a bellow that was fierce and bloodcurdling, he bolted forward, his thick features red with rage and his fists raised, ready for action.

I raised the daggers, but a car hit him before I could unleash the lightning. He toppled over the hood but somehow managed to land on his feet. He spun around and was hit again, this time by a truck. It knocked him down and then ran over the top of him. He didn’t move.

I had no idea if he was dead, and I didn’t really care. He was, for the moment at least, immobilized, and that was all that mattered. As the truck stopped and the driver got out, I darted across the road and pulled the black van’s side door open. There was no one in the passenger seat or in the back, so I continued on to the pavement—just in time to see Hecate dispatch the last of the halflings. The small girl was nowhere to be seen.

Luc shook free of the shadows, Hecate gripped in his left hand. Blue fire sparked across her steel and burned away the blood splatter. His gaze swept me and came up relieved, but he nevertheless asked, “You okay?”

“Yes. Where did the witchling go?”

“Back down the sewer.” Ricker’s expression was grim. “I’ve called in reinforcements to go after her.”

I frowned. “Why? Between the three of us, we should be able to find one little girl—”

“Who could cause untold damage to both the sewers or the Underground if she’s cornered. We not only need a means of tracking her down fast, but also a way of countering whatever magic she attempts.”

“But if we don’t get down there soon, we could lose her.”

“We won’t.” Ricker’s gaze moved to Luc. “You two had better go. I’ll take care of this lot and deal with the cops.”

“I’m working with the Preternatural Division at the moment, remember. It’ll be easier if I deal with the police.” Luc glanced at me. “But it probably would be better if you head back home.”

I smiled. “You’re not going to get an argument out of me—”

“That would be a first.”

His voice was dry, and I smiled. “I have some papers to transcribe.”

He glanced down at the scroll tucked into my belt. “Did you also grab Ricker’s notes?”


“Good.” He fished the car keys out of his pocket and offered them to me.

I raised an eyebrow. “I can fly, remember?”

“It’s a damn long way, you’ll be carrying your daggers, and that will just exhaust you. Given Darkside are upping their attacks, that’s not a state you want to be in. So just humor me and take the damn keys.”

I smiled and took the keys. “How do I get out of the parking lot without a pass?”

“Ah. Hang on.” He did something on his phone, and a few seconds later, mine beeped. “Just flash that at the reader, and the gate will open.”

“Thanks.” I resisted the urge to rise onto my toes and kiss him goodbye—and if the sudden flare of heat in his eyes was anything to go by, I wasn’t the only one thinking along those lines. I smiled, said goodbye to Ricker, and walked away.

The drive home was long and tedious. I made multiple stops for coffee, chocolate, and bathroom breaks, so it was well after midnight by the time I pulled into the mansion’s driveway.

The house lights came on as I parked, and a few seconds later, Henry appeared, looking utterly unruffled and unconcerned by my late arrival.

“Good morning, Ms. Gwen,” he said, with absolutely no indication he’d probably been fast asleep only a few minutes ago. “Would you like a hot drink? Perhaps a late-night snack?”

“Thanks, Henry, but I think I’ll just head up to bed.” I hesitated. “Did my aunt and friends arrive this evening?”

“Yes. Ms. Moscelyne said she’ll meet you in the morning room for breakfast at nine.”

I nodded, thanked him, and then headed up to the bedroom, where I stripped off, shoved my phone onto the charger and the daggers under my pillow, and climbed into bed. I was as grimy as all get-out, and I didn’t give a damn. Not this time. I was asleep three seconds after my head hit the pillow.

Bright sunlight woke me who knew how many hours later. I blinked owlishly for the several seconds it took me to remember where the hell I Copyright 2016 - 2024