Blackbird Broken (The Witch King's Crown #2) - Keri Arthur Page 0,63

to me.

“We’re not meeting Ricker until five, so we’re not likely to be back tonight.”

“That’s okay. I’ll update everyone on what’s been happening, and we’ll see you in the morning.”

“Be careful, Mo.”

“You too, darling girl.”

I smiled and hung up. I had a quick shower to chase away the last vestiges of sleep, then got dressed in my freshly cleaned and pressed clothes, and headed downstairs.

Henry met me in the foyer. “Breakfast, Ms. Gwen?”

“That would be fabulous. Thank you.”

He nodded and led the way to a small and decoratively restrained dining room. He must have seen my surprise, because he said, “This is the family’s preferred morning room. The main dining hall is far too large, and this does have glorious views over the garden.”

And the distant sea, I discovered after a quick look.

Once Henry had seated me, another man unfolded my napkin with a snap and then asked what I wished for breakfast. My vegetable and bacon omelet—along with a gold rack of toast, butter, and a selection of jams—promptly appeared a few minutes later.

I was halfway through my third piece of toast when Luc finally appeared. “Did I get clearance?”

“Not as yet.” He took a seat, ordered his breakfast, and then added, “It’ll take a few hours to get hold of everyone.”

I frowned. “What happens if I don’t get clearance?”

“Then we’ll take the scroll down to the café and work there.”

“You have a café in your building? How is that safe?”

“It gives us the perfect cover for coming and going, and it also provides a very good income, as the building is close to the theatre district and Drury Lane.”

“Huh.” I picked up a triangle of toast, then used it to indicate the room. “Who actually owns this place?”

“A friend.”

“Male or female friend?”

“Does it matter?”

Meaning a woman owned it. “Only once we start dating, and only if she’s one of your casuals.”

“She was once, but now we really are just good friends.”

I nodded. “Is she old money?”

“No. An investment banker who’s done very well for herself. Her main residence is in London—this is really just a weekend retreat.”

It was one hell of a retreat. “Is your place like this?”

“Meaning over-the-top opulent, I take it?” When I nodded, he raised an eyebrow. “Do I look like the type to you?”

“Well, no, but it’s not like I actually know you that well. You could be a hidden cross-dresser for all I know.”

He laughed. “One of my brothers actually is.”

“I thought you had sisters?”

“I do. Lots of them. I also have three brothers.” He grinned. “My parents didn’t believe in contraception—not until the ninth child, at which point my mother decided enough was enough.”

“I hope you believe in contraception, because there’s no way I intend having nine children.”

“I do, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Sex first, explore possible relationship second, then commitment and children if it all works out.”

I pointed my remaining bit of toast at him. “You can be sure I’ll hold you to all that.”

“I expect nothing less.” His smile grew. “My place is a simple country manor in the middle of Somerset. I do have staff to look after it because I’m often away and the place is open to the public in summer and spring. It could never be described as opulent. More … traditional.”

“I look forward to seeing it.”

“I look forward to showing you.”

The heated glow in his eyes suggested what I’d mostly be seeing—at least for the first couple of weeks—was the inside of his bedroom. And I was perfectly okay with that.

I ordered another pot of tea and drank it while he finished his breakfast. After returning upstairs to do my teeth and grab my pack, I met him in the foyer, and we headed out.

It took ages to get to London, thanks not only to a couple of pit stops—one for a toilet break, and one to collect a very vital cup of tea for me and a coffee for him—but also the traffic around Regent’s Park.

Once we were near Drury Lane, he swung into a parking lot, flashed the app on his phone at the reader, and then found a parking spot. I grabbed my pack and met him at the back of the car.

“This way.” He motioned toward the exit then pressed his fingers lightly against my spine to guide me. Delighted tingles radiated from the epicenter of his touch and washed through the rest of me.

We made our way down Drury Lane, turned into Tavistock, and then finally into Copyright 2016 - 2024