Blackbird Broken (The Witch King's Crown #2) - Keri Arthur Page 0,53

fire that had partially destroyed the family home just before the First World War?

And if they had that, why had the demons been searching for the Valeriun family bible? Or was it more a matter of Darkside and my brother not wanting us to get our hands on it, because it would have confirmed there was a direct link between the Aquitaine and De Montfort lines?

There were too many damn questions, and far too few damn answers.

I scrubbed a hand across burning eyes and said, “You do know he plans this resurgence of witch rule with the aid and power of Darkside—”

“What? No—”

“What do you think Winter is?”

She frowned. “He’s strange, yes, but—”

“He’s a half-demon.”

“Half-demon? No, he can’t be—”

“Have you ever asked your children where Winter takes them?”

Her frown deepened. “To school. Max wanted them to learn languages. I told him they were too young but—”

“And do you know where that school is?” I cut in.

“Not far from where we live.”

Meaning there was a dark gate near them? Another thing I needed to tell Luc. “Darkside. They’re taken into Darkside.”

She stared at me. “You’re insane.”

My smile was grim. “Maybe I am, but that’s what Riona said when I asked, and I have no reason to disbelieve her.”

“But—” She stopped. “I can’t believe—”

“Really?” I broke in again. “Then why did you run when Max called to say he was sending someone over to pick up Reign?”

“He said that things had escalated sooner than he’d hoped and that he was taking him away for a while.” Her quick smile held little humor. “Whatever you may think of me, I’m not a bad mom. Something felt off, and I didn’t have much time to think. I just acted, as any mother would.”

Any mother would not have left their little girl behind. I pushed the anger down and glanced up as fat drops of rain began to fall. “We better get moving—not only is it about to bucket down, but we’re not safe here.”

“Why?” She frowned. “We’ve taken care of your brother’s men.”

“And how do you think they found you here, when you didn’t leave a note or any other indication of where you were going?”

She opened her mouth and then closed it again.

“Winter can speak to—and track—your children when they’re asleep.” I glanced down at the child in my arms. He had my brother’s features, and it was a knife to the heart. Max, how could you do this? Why would you do this?

I swallowed heavily and added, “Given they did find you relatively quickly, they were obviously close behind you when we sprang the trap in that cabin.”

“That was you?”

“Yeah. And if you’d succeeded in killing us, Reign would now be on his way to Darkside.”

“No—” She stopped. “How do I know you’re speaking the truth? How do I know I can trust you?”

“All I can do is let you speak to Riona, but until Reign wakes, I’m not taking you anywhere near her. It’d put her and her guardians in danger of an immediate attack.”

Her gaze swept me, lingering briefly on the blood staining my shoulder and sleeve. “You risked your life to save us. I guess I really have no choice.”

For now. She didn’t say that, but it nevertheless seemed to hover in the air.

“Let’s get back to your car and get out of here,” I said, as the skies opened up.

“My son—”

“I’ll carry him.”

Annoyance flicked across her expression, but she nevertheless climbed over the fence and strode toward the car. I followed. After clipping Reign into his car seat, I clambered over the console and dropped into the passenger seat. It would have been easier to use the doors, but there wasn’t a chance in hell I’d risk getting out of the car. The bitch would have taken off—the slight smile tugging at her lips was evidence enough of that.

“I take it you have a plan of action?” she said in a friendly and yet still snippy way.

“Yep. Get us out of here before someone calls in the cops.”

She shoved the car into gear and flattened the accelerator. As the old car shook, I grabbed my phone and called Mo.

“Where are you?” I asked the second she answered.

“Approaching Penrith. Did you find her?”

“Yes, but Darkside got there first. We’re all okay, though.”

“Good.” The relief in her voice made me smile. “I’ll arrange for Ron to come fetch them.”

“I’m not going anywhere with a damn stranger,” Gianna said.

“You already are, and you’ll continue to do so if you want to Copyright 2016 - 2024