Blackbird Broken (The Witch King's Crown #2) - Keri Arthur Page 0,48

quietly closed the car door and followed Mo around the front of the Fiesta. “Are you sure Gianna’s here?”

Mo nodded. “The tracking sphere isn’t fooled by covering magic. It’s not pinpoint accurate, however, and that means I can’t be absolutely certain they’re in the yellow cabin. Go around to the back of the cabins and keep an eye out. When you hear the doorbell, head in—but quietly if you can. We don’t want to scare her.”

“Because two strange women breaking into the cabin isn’t going to be scary at all.”

My voice was dry, and she smiled. “I suspect Gianna has seen enough over the last few years not to be frightened by the two of us. Go.”

I slipped down the small gap between two cabins. There were no sounds coming from the lavender one, but a couple was talking in the other. They sounded elderly, and I mentally crossed all things that they didn’t get hurt in whatever was about to happen.

After clambering over the small fence, I followed the line of pines that separated these cabins from those in the next street. As I neared the yellow cabin, energy lightly caressed the air. There was definitely some kind of spell here, even if I couldn’t see any threads.

After a quick look around to make sure no one was watching, I moved across to the small deck at the back of the cabin and silently padded up the steps. A quick check of the handle told me the door was locked. I drew the daggers; the blades glimmered in the day’s dull light, but no flames caressed their edge. We might be walking into a trap, but at least there was no immediate threat from halflings.

From deep within the cabin came the gentle chiming of a doorbell. I took a deep breath and crossed the daggers to call forth the lightning. I wasn’t sure whether my control was better or if the daggers were simply more attuned to what I needed, but the energy that arced from the tip of each blade held none of its usual force—simply enough force to melt the lock rather than blasting the whole thing apart.

I pressed my fingers against the door and pushed it open. No sound came from inside the house. The air was still and cold and smelled slightly musty. The sphere might be saying they were here, but it definitely looked to be a more general ‘here’. This cabin hadn’t been used or aired in some time.

I glanced over my shoulder at the cabin visible through the trees. Parked alongside was an old Ford Estate—the perfect nondescript car for someone wanting to hide.

We were searching in the wrong cabin.

A soft popping noise had my head snapping around. I gripped the daggers tightly, my gaze sweeping the area beyond the small boot room. Nothing moved, and I had no sense of anyone else except Mo. And yet … something stirred.


I hesitated and then took several more steps into the cabin. “Mo? You in?”

“Yes.” Her voice was as soft as mine. “She’s not, though.”

“Obviously.” I glanced over my shoulder again. “I’ve got a feeling she might be in the cabin behind this one.”

“It’s possible—as I said, it’s hard to pin an exact location with—oh fuck! Gwen, run!”

Even as she said it, there was a second pop.

The trap had just been sprung.

I spun and ran for the door, fear lodged in my throat and fiery heat chasing every step.

Then, with little warning, the whole damn cabin exploded.

Chapter Eight

The force of the blast knocked me off my feet and sent me tumbling through the door. I crashed into the deck railings hard enough to daze, but self-preservation nevertheless kicked in. I threw my hands over my head and tucked my knees up close, presenting as small a target as possible as bits of wood, glass, and metal fell like rain all around me.

Through the roar of the flames now consuming what was left of the building, I heard another sound—a car engine.

I twisted around and saw the Estate speed out of its parking area. Gianna. It had to be.

But I didn’t race after her—Mo was far more important to me than a mother on the run.

I scrambled upright and felt a sharp stab of pain in my lower leg. A quick glance revealed a thick sliver of wood embedded in the chubby portion of my calf. I yanked it out, then thrust upright and leapt over the railing. Black smoke filled the lane between the Copyright 2016 - 2024