Blackbird Broken (The Witch King's Crown #2) - Keri Arthur Page 0,18

call, I was intending to. Did you search Jules’s place?”

“No, because it may have been a crime scene, and we didn’t want to spoil any possible evidence.” I studied his beautiful profile for a second. “Why?”

He shrugged. “I was just wondering if he was connected to what’s been happening—other than being a possible but unlikely heir, that is.”

“If there’s anything to find, I daresay Jason will find it—you did pass the information on, didn’t you?”

He nodded. “He said he’d send a team up there immediately.”

Mo appeared in the doorway. “We need to skedaddle over to Barney’s.”

I grabbed my knives and rose. My arm brushed Luc’s and momentarily disrupted my equilibrium. I really did need to keep my damn distance from the man … but that was likely to get harder and harder. I didn’t have his will of iron, and I’d never really been all that good at fighting desire. My long, casual relationship with Tris after we’d officially broken up was evidence enough of that. “I take it the assessor’s gone?”

She nodded as she turned away. “He’s going to hustle the claim through so we can rebuild ASAP.”

Luc followed me from the room. “Why are you going over to Barney’s?”

“His nephew has enhanced the writing on the back of the throne. He wants me over there to transcribe it.”

“And can you?” he asked.

“The glyphs look similar to the ones on Einar, so possibly. Won’t know until we get there though.”

Einar—Mo’s dagger—had not only been carved out of a solid piece of black stone eons ago, but also had a life and heartbeat of its own. Its power was very different to that of Nex and Vita; it was almost as if the hunger and the means to kill demons and dark elves had been vital to its creation.

Mo cast Luc an amused look and added, “I presume you are coming with us?”

A smile tugged at his luscious lips. “Of course.”

“Where’s Max?” I asked, realizing he wasn’t in the room. “Don’t tell me he’s nicked off again?”

“No, he hasn’t” came Max’s reply. “He’s upstairs cleaning the mess in his room before Granny-dearest tells him off.”

“Call me that again, and I’ll come up there and box your ears, young man.”

“I’ll be out the window before you get to the top of the stairs, old woman.”

“I wouldn’t bet on that,” Mo replied.

Max’s laughter echoed down the stairs. “Actually, neither would I. Say hello to Barney for me.”

Mo walked over to grab her purse. “I’d normally suggest we fly across, but given the weather and the fact Luc can’t fly—”

“I’ll drive,” I said. “I doubt Luc will easily fit in the back of your Leaf.”

“I’m not entirely sure the back of your mini will be much of an improvement,” she said, amused.

“I’ll be fine.” His voice was dry. “I’ve been in tighter positions many times before.”

“I just bet you have,” Mo said. “And I’m betting they involved a lady or three, too.”

Luc laughed and didn’t deny it while I tried not to think about getting hot and heavy with Luc in the back seat.

I grabbed my coat and keys off the hook near the stairs and, once we were all in the car, drove through the cobblestone streets until we neared Dame’s Walk. Barney had an apartment on the first floor of a building that not only overlooked the Ainslyn River but also had parking for residents and guests out front—a rarity in this part of town. Once I’d stopped, we climbed out and walked over. Mo keyed us in, then led the way up the creaky wooden stairs; one thing was sure—no one would ever creep up these things without Barney knowing about it.

He opened the door as we approached, swept Mo into his arms, and kissed her soundly. “You took your damn time, woman.”

The twinkle in his brown eyes belied the soft rebuke in his words. Mo laughed and patted his cheeks. “You know what they say about those who wait.”

“Yeah, they end up with burned lasagna.”

“You cooked?”

“I did. Figured you probably wouldn’t take the time for breakfast.” He glanced past her. “Gwen, Luc, nice to see you both.”

He stepped back and waved us all in. His apartment was situated on the corner of the building and benefitted from windows on two sides. The bedroom and bathroom lay at the rear, while the kitchen and living areas were to the front. There was a surprising mix of features—high ceiling, ornate cornices, and ceiling roses juxtaposed against an ultramodern kitchen and furniture—but Copyright 2016 - 2024