Black Tangled Heart by Samantha Young Page 0,91

face into her throat as I ground my dick into her, trying to prolong every second.


Peace settled over me. Contentment I hadn’t felt in who knew how long settled in as I laid on top of her soft body and breathed her in. Shit, I could have fallen asleep like that.

“Jamie,” she whispered, pressing a hand to my side. “Jamie, I can’t breathe.”

Reluctantly, I lifted my head, pushing slowly onto my hands to raise my weight off her, and stared down at her flushed face.

She wouldn’t look at me.


“I need to clean up,” she muttered, still not meeting my eyes.

“Jane, look at me.”

She raised those beautiful hazel-green eyes to mine. My heart thundered as hard as it had as I moved inside her just seconds before.

“You’re not sleeping with Asher.” It wasn’t a question.

Angry tears shimmered in her eyes. “There’s been no one since you.”

With that shocking announcement, I felt the room spin.



“Get off me,” I demanded, feeling vulnerable.

To my surprise, Jamie did as I asked. He rolled off and onto his back, his hands covering his face.

Trembling, I pushed down the dress that he’d practically ruined when I’d allowed him to screw me like the masochist I was.

I moved to get off the bed and his hand suddenly shot out, wrapping around my bicep.

“Stay. Talk,” he demanded.

Why the hell did he sound angry? I was the one who should be angry. I was the one who had pined like an idiot over him, unable to move on, only to hand myself over to him, even when he’d treated me like I was the enemy.

As soon as he’d started kissing me, however, I’d felt like I was home.

No matter what my rational brain told me, I wanted him inside me more desperately than I’d wanted anything. At that moment, as the orgasm shattered through me, it had felt worth it.

But as soon as the pleasure faded, I was left with the reality.

“I have a better idea. Pull up your pants and get out.” I wrenched out of his grasp, sliding off the bed and tugging my dress back into position. I throbbed between my legs, reminding me what I’d just done.

Marching out of the bedroom, not sure how I’d face that room again, I called over my shoulder, “That wasn’t a request, Jamie.”

Slamming into the bathroom, I leaned against the sink, afraid to look at my reflection in the mirror above it. I didn’t want to face myself. Beyond the bathroom door, I could hear movement, and then Jamie’s footsteps down the hall. My heart thudded as I waited for him to leave and then it skipped a beat as the bathroom door flew open.

The door banged back against the opposite wall as he stood in the hall, staring at me in disbelief. Although his jeans were pulled back up, he hadn’t bothered to zip them. He looked disheveled, freshly screwed and unbearably sexy.

“Do you have a hearing problem?” I asked, quietly seething.

A muscle ticked in his jaw. “Tell me the truth.”

“I hate strawberries.”

“Stop fucking around, Jane. You just said there’s been no one but me. What the hell is going on with you and Asher?”

“None of your business.” I turned to face him, crossing my arms over my chest. “Please leave.”

He didn’t leave. Instead, for the first time since he’d stormed back into my life, his expression gentled with concern. My breath caught. In that moment, he reminded me so much of my Jamie. “Jane, talk to me. Tell me what the hell I’m missing here.”

I didn’t want to.

What was the point?

We’d had a moment of weakness. So what? It was better to pretend it never happened because nothing changed the fact that he’d broken up with me and then proceeded to make me the target of all his anger.

It was time to push him back across the hall, and asking nicely wasn’t working. “You’ve had other women, right? The blond in the hall that day …”

Something like discomfort flickered across his face.

“Well?” I demanded. “Are you going to tell me that you saved yourself for me, Jamie? Or have there been other women since you got out of prison?”

There went that muscle again, ticking away. He heaved a sigh. “There have been other women,” he admitted.

Even though I’d known that, it still hurt, and I didn’t do a very good job of hiding it.

“Jane …” He took a placating step toward me.

“Don’t.” I retreated out of his reach. “Why is it always the way? Huh?” A tear slipped Copyright 2016 - 2024