Black Tangled Heart by Samantha Young Page 0,7

in a city, and because of that, we don’t know who people really are until we take time to actually look.”

My eyebrows hit my hairline and Skye grinned. “She’s fourteen,” she reminded me.

Sometimes I couldn’t work out Lorna and Jane’s friendship. Jane was mature and introspective for her age. Lorna was ambitious and smart, sure, but she was also more than a little shallow.

My phone buzzed, drawing my attention from Jane’s artwork. I slumped on the large sectional in the open-plan living room/kitchen and opened the text.

That’s so cute xx

I sighed. Was that a no to tomorrow, then?

My phone buzzed again.

I can’t 2morro. Dinner with parents’ friends, ugh. Meet me @ school 1 hr early Mon? I’ll make it worth it ;) xx

Heat flooded my groin at her meaning.

You got it.

I threw my phone on the couch, feeling a little better about missing out on getting laid tonight. By all accounts, Julie would be worth the wait.

Still, I wondered if Bethany was free tomorrow night? I reached for my phone to text her.

“Texting all your ladies?” Skye teased as she pulled on a light sweater.

I shrugged.

She sighed. “Just don’t break any hearts, Jamie. Believe me, you don’t want to be that guy.”

Annoyed by the insinuation I was that guy, I scowled. “They know the score. I never make any promises.”

As she grabbed her purse and keys off the coffee table, she eyeballed me in that big-sister way of hers. “I know you’re only sixteen and I don’t want you getting too serious with anyone when you’re this young … but can I ask if there’s a reason you’re not interested in dating just one girl?”

I did not want to have this conversation.

Sisters were a killer.

“Skye,” I groaned.

“It’s just a question.”

“Yeah, it’s the kind of question sisters ask each other … not … Guys don’t talk like this.” I gestured between us in aggravation.

She laughed. “Some guys do. It doesn’t make you less of a guy to have feelings. Or are you just typing random words on that laptop of yours at night?”

I squirmed at her dig.

So, okay, I had plenty of fucking feelings that I put into my stories. That was different. Hoping if I answered, she’d go away, I bit out the words, “It’s not that I’m not interested in dating one girl.”


“Oh, Jesus,” I huffed. “Is that not enough?”


“I’m sixteen.” I gestured again, the paperback in my hand flapping around so I lost my place. “I haven’t met her yet. End of story.”

“Met who yet?”

Sororicide was a crime, right? “The girl that makes me want to stop screwing around with other girls. Now can we please be done with this conversation?”

She looked smug. “I knew a writer had to be a secret romantic. But remember, there’s no need to settle down too soon. Keep playing the field for as long as you can, but do it safely. Use protection and don’t be an asshole.” On that annoying note, she sauntered toward the door. “Call for takeout. Remember to ask the girls what they want first.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“And thank you.”

“You owe me.”

“I know.”

I looked up from my book. “And good luck with the meeting tonight.”

My big sister grinned, gave me a little wave, and breezed out the door.

Sometimes it was difficult to have a big sister your friends all wanted to have sex with, a big sister who was always in my business, and a big sister who didn’t know when to leave well enough alone.

But secretly, I wouldn’t trade Skye for any other sister in the world.

Snorting and shaking my head at her, I cracked open my book and tried to forget that she’d cock-blocked me tonight.

A little while later, my belly grumbled. It was tempting to just order a pizza without asking Lorna and Jane what they wanted, but Lorna would complain all night if I did. It would be worth the effort to climb the stairs and ask them just to avoid her whining.

I couldn’t hear the music anymore, not until I had almost reached Lorna’s bedroom door. They’d turned it down so they could talk. Knowing how much talking Lorna and Jane did was one reason I didn’t want a girlfriend. I wasn’t sure I was the kind of guy who could put up with someone chattering at me nonstop.

“It’s rule number two,” I heard Lorna snap.

Her bitchy tone made me halt. I didn’t want to talk to her when she was in a mood. I loved my little sister, but most days, I did not Copyright 2016 - 2024