Black Tangled Heart by Samantha Young Page 0,49

grinned, but his smile fell quickly. “Just keep an eye out while I’m gone this weekend. She’s so goddamn secretive lately.”

“Jamie, she’s been going to her meetings and talking with Sheridan every day.”

“I know. I just … my gut keeps telling me something isn’t right.”

Considering this, I nodded. “Always trust your gut. I’ll keep an eye out.”

He kissed me again, told me he loved me, and hopped out of his car.

Back at the house, I found Skye at the dining table, sipping coffee and reading a magazine. She wasn’t home a lot lately, and free weekends for her were rare.

Sitting down beside her with my coffee, I stared at her magazine, trying to think of something to say. Jamie was right. Skye was secretive and distant. After the last trip to the ER, Lorna had taken off for school early. She said she had no patience for her sister’s “bullshit weakness” and wouldn’t be back until “it was over.”

“And you said I’m the one who’s like Mom,” Lorna had said to Jamie.

I didn’t need to ask what she’d meant. Jamie had told me a lot of stories about his mom over the past eighteen months we’d been dating. Among being mentally and emotionally manipulative with her kids, she’d also been an alcoholic.

Frankly, I was glad Lorna was gone. Skye didn’t need her sister’s toxic attitude. She needed understanding and support from the people who loved her.

Yet, I was afraid it was Lorna’s rejection that was the root cause of Skye’s current solemnity.

“Talk to me.”

Skye glanced up from the magazine. She sighed and pushed the magazine toward me, flipping the pages. She’d left it open on a particular page.

One that featured an unflattering shot of Skye coming out of her AA meeting. The words “BACK IN REHAB ALREADY?” were printed across the top of the image.

I swallowed hard, hurting for her. “Skye, I’m sorry. Does your producer know?”

She gave a brittle nod. “I promised them I’m on top of it. I’m not fired.”

“Good,” I murmured. What was I supposed to say? “No one pays attention to this crap.”

Her lips twitched, but the amusement didn’t reach her eyes. “You don’t. Many people do.” Tears burned in her eyes. “I don’t want Lorna’s friends at school seeing it.”


I got up from my seat and rounded Skye, sliding my arms around her and resting my chin on the top of her head. She gripped tight to my arms. “Lorna loves you.”

“Does she?” Skye whispered. “It doesn’t feel like it. It feels like I lost her … and I felt that way before Christmas.”

“She’s just finding her feet at Columbia and wrapped up in her own little world right now.” I came around to her side, lowering to my haunches to smile reassuringly up at her. “Lorna loves you best of all, Skye. She’s just not very good at showing it sometimes.”

Skye nodded, sniffling. “I just miss her. Sometimes I wonder if I miss her, or if I miss the kid she used to be. When we’d dance around the apartment and she’d look at me like I was Wonder Woman.” She glanced away in apparent embarrassment. “Kids grow up, I guess. They start to see reality and it’s a bitter disappointment, huh?”

“No, you know it’s not like that with Lorna,” I chided. “You are not a disappointment. Skye, you gave me a home. A family. You gave Lorna and Jamie the home they deserved and opportunities they never would’ve had without you. They know that. You are the best big sister anyone could ask for. And the best big sister I never even dreamed I’d one day have.”

Her eyes widened with hope.

“You’re just human. And we make mistakes. But no matter how many times you need it, I will be here to hold your hand. That’s what you do for the people you love.”

More tears slipped down Skye’s cheeks as she reached out to clasp my face in her hands. “What did I ever do to deserve you, kid?”

“We deserve each other.”

“Do you mean it? You’ll be there, no matter what?”

“Absolutely.” A thought occurred to me and I stood, crossing the room to my phone. “I think we need a little pick-me-up.” I scrolled through Spotify and found the track I wanted.

“The Whole of the Moon” by the Waterboys played.

Skye gave me a sad smile but didn’t get to her feet.

“Come on.” I danced into the middle of the room. “It’ll make you feel better!”

With a huff of laughter, Skye got to her feet. Copyright 2016 - 2024