Black Richard's Heart (The MacCulloughs #1) - Suzan Tisdale Page 0,78

he referred to were. Mayhap she should feel embarrassed. Instead, she felt sorry for Raibeart. He was five and ten, and in her mind, he should have begun his training long ago.

“And a nursemaid ye shall remain until ye learn to show some respect,” Richard seethed. “Now sit down.”

Unable to stop herself, Aeschene reached out and placed a hand on her husband’s forearm. “Richard?” Her voice was soft and low, and she hoped it would calm his ire.

“What?” He barked the question.

Unfazed by his tone, she asked, “What should Raibeart do to prove himself to ye?”

“That is none of yer concern,” he snapped. “’Tis betwixt my brother and I.”

She pulled her arm away as she tilted her head. “I see,” she said with a nod. “So I shouldn’t interfere?” she asked.

He scoffed. “I thought I made that abundantly clear when I said ’twas none of yer concern.”

Nodding her head as if she had complete understanding of the situation, she said, “May I ask another question?”

His heavy sigh told much; he was reaching the ends of his patience. Not waiting for his permission, she asked, “What qualities do ye think makes a man a good chief and warrior?”

“What?” He was unmistakably confused by her question.

“Let us pretend for a moment that Raibeart grows up and meets a beautiful lass. A lass he’d verra much like to marry. Let us also pretend she is the daughter of a chief. With that comes the chance that Raibeart could become chief of that clan upon her father’s passing.”

Colyne giggled. “Raibeart? Married?”

Aeschene ignored him. “Besides knowing how to read and write-”

Colyne laughed even louder. “We cannae read nor write!”

Appalled, she turned to look at her husband. “Is this true? Yer brothers cannae read nor write?” If true, ’twas a severe lack of attention in their upbringing.

Richard sighed heavily.

“We shall remedy that this day,” Aeschene said.

“Remedy what?” Raibeart asked.

“I cannae teach ye the ways of the sword. But I can teach the two of ye to read and write.”

More giggles from Colyne, but a disheartened groan from Raibeart. “I dunnae need to read and write. What I need is to learn to fight.”

“Think ye a fine warrior and chief only kens how to use his fists?” Aeschene asked with a shake of her head. “Nay, lad. A fine warrior uses his mind as much as his sword arm or fists. We shall start this afternoon. I am sure yer brother and laird agrees.”

Marisse finally offered her own opinion on the matter. “I myself find a man who can read and write as well as wield a sword rather handsome.”

All eyes turned to look at Marisse.

“Then I dunnae wish to learn,” Colyne said. “I dunnae want any lass to find me handsome. I’d rather live my life in utter ignorance.”

Every man burst out laughing at his declaration.

“Be that as it may,” Aeschene said, speaking over the din of laughter. “I would be remiss in my duties as mistress of the keep and yer sister-by-law if I let ye continue to live yer life in utter ignorance.”

The boys openly scoffed at the idea.

Aeschene ignored them. “Instead of arguing with me, mayhap ye should try to strike a bargain with yer brother and laird.”

The boys went silent. “What do ye mean?” Raibeart asked.

“Show yer brother ye are smart enough to train.”

Understanding settled in and Raibeart readily agreed. “Verra well,” he said as he turned to look at Richard. “If I begin my studies now and prove to ye I am not an eejit, will ye allow me to begin my training?”

“I wasn’t aware we were in any sort of negotiations,” Richard drawled. “But aye, I will agree. If, ye prove ye are serious.”

Satisfied and hopeful, Raibeart gave a curt nod of his head. “I will show ye. I will show ye.”

After breaking their fast, Aeschene, Marisse, Raibeart and Colyne left the confines of the keep. Colyne didn’t seem to mind spending his time with the women. Raibeart, however, groused and grumbled all the way to the gate. His hostility towards her had softened but only marginally. Believing it was a step in the right direction, Aeschene left him be.

With her arm looped into Marisse’s they carefully made their way down the path to see who they could help this day.

Aeschene listened to the sounds of the breeze rustling against the leaves and the happy twitter of the birds. Although the rain had stopped at least an hour ago, everything around them was still wet. Tiny droplets of water dripped Copyright 2016 - 2024