Black Richard's Heart (The MacCulloughs #1) - Suzan Tisdale Page 0,76

day long.”

“What do ye mean?”

She rested an arm on the edge of the table. “We went from cottage to cottage, offerin’ our help in any way we could think of,” she began. “And at each cottage, I had to listen to people tell me how the boys had caused them trouble or harm in the past.”

“Ye went from cottage to cottage?” he asked.

“Aye, we did. After I learned from Marisse that many of the cottages were in disrepair, I came up with the idea to help.”

“And ye thought usin’ the two heathens was a good idea?” he asked with a raised brow.

She chose to ignore his insult. “Anyway, once I listened to their complaints and then explained my plan - to keep the boys so busy they would not have time to get into trouble ... Well, everyone was quite keen on that idea.”

From the other end of the table, Lachlan said, “Rather ingenious, aye?”

“Thank ye, Lachlan,” Aeschene said with a proud smile before turning back to her husband. “I have learned ye like to use chores as a form of punishment.”

“Aye, I do. Those lads have scrubbed more chamber pots in the past few years than I would care to count.”

“Well, instead of usin’ chores as a punishment, I thought it might be best to shine a different light on the matter. The boys truly wish to have a purpose, to feel part of yer family and clan.”

He found her comment rather irksome. “Are ye sayin’ they dunnae feel part of my family?”

“Aye, I am,” she answered honestly. “But ’tis only because they have never felt they had a true purpose, ye ken?”

His stomach began to bubble with anger. “Nay, I do not ken.”

Aeschene sighed as she drummed her fingers on the table. “Please, do not be angry. I am simply sayin’ I ken how the lads feel. For a very long while, I did not feel part of my family. I wanted so much to have a purpose, to feel as though I was contributin’ instead of bein’ a burden.”

While he could very well understand how a blind person might feel that way, he couldn’t understand how his brothers would arrive at similar conclusions.

“They ken ye love them,” she added. “But even young lads need to feel a sense of purpose.”

Mayhap she was right. Richard thought back to his childhood, of fostering with the MacDougalls. Not once did he ever feel he didn’t belong or wasn’t an important part of the family. He’d been kept too busy to even consider such feelings. Still, he did feel rather angry that Aeschene, who had only been here a few days, and who was also relatively blind, had been able to see what he hadn’t.

Why hadn’t he been able to see it?

“Ye have been far too busy rebuildin’ all that was lost and destroyed,” she said. Reaching out, she found his arm and gave it a gentle pat. “Ye be a right fine laird, Richard and we all ken ye have done yer best with yer brothers.”

There was no condescension in her tone, still, he felt irritated. He should have figured out what was best for his brothers, not this woman who was a relative stranger.

It occurred to him then that he could use her idea to his own advantage. Colyne and Raibeart would be kept busy, but they would also be able to keep a watchful eye on Aeschene.

While he did hold some doubt that she was acting as a spy for her father, she was still, above all things, a MacRay. He hadn’t known her long enough to know where her loyalties might lay.

“Verra well,” he said as he pushed himself away from the table. “I agree with yer plan to keep the lads occupied.”

Something flashed behind those brilliant blue eyes of hers. Was it anger or disappointment? He couldn’t say.

“Ye do understand it be more than just keepin’ them occupied, aye?”

He nodded before remembering she couldn’t see. “Aye, I understand.” He took her hand in his and said, “I be ready to retire.”

He watched as a blush crept up her cheeks and she bit her lower lip to quash a smile.

“’Tis awfully early,” Lachlan said with a grin.

Richard mouthed the words, shut yer gob, before cradling his wife’s hand in the crook of his arms.

“I admit to bein’ a bit tired myself,” Aeschene said.

If her smile was an indicator, she was anything but tired.

Chapter Fourteen

Dawn burned bright and warm the following morn. Once again, Richard was up and Copyright 2016 - 2024