Black Richard's Heart (The MacCulloughs #1) - Suzan Tisdale Page 0,19

It had more to do with her father pushing them apart than any act of their own. Wiping away a tear, Aeschene broke the embrace.

Garrin came out then, still looking just as harsh and angry as he had been all day. Walking passed them, he bounded down the stairs, ignoring the newly wedded couple all together.

On the off chance he hadn’t been able to convince David or his betrothed to refuse this marriage, Black Richard had brought an extra mount. A calm, bay colored filly who would have no problems keeping up with the rapid exit he had envisioned. However, nothing had gone as he had planned. Now, learning she was blind, he found himself worrying over the safety of a wife he never wanted. She was blind, therefore, he reasoned, she was unable to ride. Suddenly beset with the need to have her ride with him, he convinced himself ’twas only her safety he had in mind.

“’Twill be a long journey,” he told her. “Ye will ride with me.”

He’d thought the matter closed, for no one ever questioned his decisions.

Aeschene, unaware of this fact of life, began to protest.

“Truly, I can ride, and quite well. If someone leads me.”

For a brief moment, he wished she could see, for the manner in which he glowered was enough to make anyone with perfect vision quake in their boots. He was not a man to be argued with. He would forgive her this one transgression only because of her lack of knowledge on the matter.

Before he could educate her properly on the subject of never ever questioning him, especially when surrounded by people, her maid, Marisse came rushing out of the door with a satchel in each hand.

“I have our things,” she declared, looking directly at Black Richard.

“I was not aware ye had been invited,” Black Richard said.

Marisse pulled her shoulders back and spoke directly to him. “Where Aeschene goes, I go.”

The woman didn’t even allow him time to think on the matter. “With or without yer invitation, I will be goin’. Either on horseback or by foot, it matters not to me.”

Before he could educate her on proper conduct, Aeschene reached out and placed a palm on his chest. Just that simple touch was enough to ease his ire. Aye, she was bewitching him, and he would not stand for it.

“Please?” There was not an ounce of guile to her tone. The gesture, her soft plea had profound effect on his heart.

His mind was fully prepared to warn her that her feminine ways would not work on him, nor would a bright smile, or tears, or anything else she might deem necessary to throw at him like arrows. But he found himself saying, “Aeschene, ye will ride with me. Marisse will be given a mount.”

“Ye are allowin’ me to bring her?” Aeschene asked, looking wholly surprised. Apparently, she’d been fully prepared to argue until she’d won.

“Aye. Ye will need a maid and an ally once ye reach me keep.” It would have been hard enough for a woman with good eyes to adjust to life as his wife, he reasoned out. Besides, he would not have time to keep her occupied and he doubted any of the women of his clan would volunteer. Nay, it only made sense to bring her maid along.

Aeschene smiled then. A warm, dazzling smile. A moment later, she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him gratefully. “Thank ye, m’laird,” she whispered. “Thank ye.”

Unaccustomed to being hugged or having such displays of gratitude, he stiffened. There had been a time in his life when he would have smiled and hugged her back. A time in his life where he wouldn’t have questioned the actions of a pretty woman.

Forcing himself to remember that even though she was his wife, she was first and foremost the daughter of his enemy.

Turning his attention to Marisse, he said, “Dunnae dally.”

Marisse did not so much as flinch at the glower in Black Richard’s eyes or the sharpness of his tone. Instead, she stood tall, unfaltering, and glowered back at him. Just what she was thinking, he couldn’t tell. This one shall be trouble, he thought to himself. His suspicion was affirmed when Rory and Daniel stepped forward. “I will help ye to yer mount,” Daniel said, offering her a smile that was meant to be sincere. Instead, it made him look like a lecher.

Black Richard watched as the pretty lass rolled her eyes. “I can find me own way, thank Copyright 2016 - 2024