Black Richard's Heart (The MacCulloughs #1) - Suzan Tisdale Page 0,135

determination and will to survive.

Suddenly, he heard a familiar war cry rent the air! Caught off guard, he was momentarily pulled away from his own battle to glance over his shoulder. It was the mistake that very nearly cost him his sword arm. His opponent took advantage of his distraction, swung out in a wide arc. Raibeart couldn’t get out of the way fast enough. The tip of the sword caught his upper arm, slicing through his tunic, into his flesh. It burned like hell!

Grunting, he lunged forward, sweat pouring into his eyes.

“Run!” Rory yelled as he headed towards him. “Run, Raibeart!”

Rory’s voice distracted his opponent just long enough for Raibeart to strike the man’s chest with his sword. Furious, the man started to push him back with wide swings.

Just as Raibeart was defending one of the man’s jabs, someone came up from behind and slammed something hard against his head. The pain was unbearable and sent him to his knees. The world around him began to spin out of control. Then his entire world went black.

“Stop right there, MacCullough!”

Richard was fending off two attackers when a voice he didn’t recognize ripped through the air. “Stop or I’ll kill him!”

The two men he was fighting took cautious steps back. Richard took the chance to look at whomever was calling to him. His heart seized at the sight before him.

A man with dark hair and even darker eyes was sitting atop a horse. And he was holding a dirk against Colyne’s throat. “I’ll slice his throat, MacCullough, dunnae think I won’t.”

“If ye do, ye will be dead before ye hit the ground,” Richard seethed.

“But yer brother here will still be dead, won’t he?”

Richard didn’t recognize any of the faces that surrounded him, but he was quite certain they were Chisolms and Farquars. There were four of them, all in varying ages and sizes. He felt confident that he and Rory could have taken them all on. But he did have to consider Colyne’s safety.

“Aye, but ye will also be dead,” he challenged, trying to give himself more time to figure out a solution.

“Richard,” came Rory’s voice from behind.

A glance over his shoulder told him all he needed to know. Rory been captured. Two large men stood on either side of him, tight holds on his arms. One man stood behind him with his hand fisted in Rory’s hair. Each of them had dirks to his throat.

There was no way out for any of them. One wrong word, one wrong move and they’d all be dead.

The man holding Colyne smiled. “Aye, and yer other brother? He be layin’ dead behind ye.”

Raibeart! Oh, God, no!

Masking his fury, his jaw clenching, all he wanted to do was kill every last one of them. But he wouldn’t get the chance. So focused on the blade at Colyne’s throat, he didn’t hear anyone approaching from behind. A hard blow to the back of his skull and he fell to his knees.

Nightfall would soon be upon them, and still, no word from Richard, Rory, or the boys.

Aeschene had refused to wait indoors for their safe return. She and Marisse huddled together, with Daniel’s mother, in the courtyard. Hattie brought warm cider, bread and cheese, but none of the women had much of an appetite.

Please, lord, let them all be safe, Aeschene prayed quietly.

“I am certain they are fine,” Marisse said for the hundredth time that afternoon.

Aeschene pretended to agree and forced a smile to her face. Poor Daniel’s mother, Breena, was beside herself with grief and worry. The last thing Aeschene wanted was to add to the woman’s distress. “I am certain ye are right, Marisse.”

“Watch, they will come strollin’ up to the gate any moment, and behave as though we are all silly for worryin’ us so,” Breena said.

“And that is when we shall beat them all senseless,” Aeschene offered.

Each of the women knew the other was lying through their teeth. Deep down, they also knew that everyone should have returned hours ago. Even if Colyne had travelled too far from home.

A shout came from one of the guards on the wall above them. Aeschene wouldn’t breathe any sighs of relief until she heard Richard’s voice telling her all was well. Everyone rushed toward the gate, holding their breaths in nervous anticipation.

“’Tis Daniel!” Marisse cried out.

Breena raced away, eager to wrap her arms around her son before giving him the scolding of his life.

“Are Richard and Colyne with them?”

“Nay, but I am certain they are close Copyright 2016 - 2024