Black Richard's Heart (The MacCulloughs #1) - Suzan Tisdale Page 0,121

her palms as she explored every beautiful inch of his chest. She inhaled his scent deeply; he smelled of smoke and the out of doors.

A long, wide scar ran down the length of his torso, ending just at his hip. It mattered not to Aeschene, for in her mind, his body was perfection.

All thoughts about scars fled away when she felt his hands caress her buttocks, her back and shoulders. Excitement, thrilling in its intensity, rushed through her veins. ’Twas difficult to breathe let alone to think.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer, lifting her up and laid her on the bed. Not once did his lips leave hers. She sank into the feather mattress. Jagged breaths, hands exploring, soft caresses, passionate kisses.

He was over her, keeping his weight on his elbows so as not to crush her. His sweet, decadent lips leaving kisses along her cheek before moving to her neck. She wanted him, needed him desperately. Not once did he protest or pull her hands away when she explored his back, his torso with her trembling fingers. She ached for him.

Wriggling her hips in a silent plea, he refused her.

“Wheest, lass,” he whispered against her neck. “This night, I want to take my time with ye. I want to explore every glorious curve of ye. Please, do nae deny me my entreaty.”

She couldn’t deny him anything, not when he kissed her as he was doing. Willing her breaths to slow, she relaxed against the mattress, her arms falling away from him.

And take his time he did; kissing, nibbling, tasting her neck, her breasts, her stomach. He touched her in places he hadn’t before, driving her near to madness.

Scooping her up with one arm, he rolled to his back, bringing her with him. He squeezed her tightly before gently pushing her to sit. He said naught but placed tender kisses into her palms before placing each of her palms on his cheeks.

She felt the jagged scar; the scar that had tormented him the past many years. Tears pooled, threatening to spill, the ache in her heart was profound. “Who did this to ye?” she asked, her voice but a whisper.

“Does it matter?” he asked as he rubbed his scarred cheek into her palm.

“Aye, it does husband,” she said as anger started to bubble up.


“I would have the name of the man who did this so that I might kill him.”

Richard chuckled. “He is dead.”

“Good,” she said with a nod.

“I dinnae ken ye were such a vengeful lass.”

She touch her forehead to his. “When those I care for are hurt? Then aye, I am a vengeful woman.”

“Ye care for me?” he teased as he began to caress her back.

She drew in a deep breath, enjoying the way his calloused hands felt against her skin. “Aye, husband, I do.”

For not the first time he was glad she could not see. Her words, softly spoken yet deeply felt, nearly unmanned him.

“Richard? Can I ask a boon of ye?”

“I would deny ye nothing, Aeschene.” He continued to caress her back, his large hands splayed open, savoring the silky softness.

“I would ask that ye always be honest with me. Even if ye think yer words would injure me. Please, can ye give me yer word on this?”

“Aye, lass, I give ye my word. From this day forward, I will always speak honestly with ye.”

Tilting her head to one side, she said, “No matter what?”

“No matter what,” he agreed.

He sealed his promise with a kiss.

Dawn was hours away. Aeschene woke after the midnight hour to the soft crackling of embers in the hearth. Something heavy was draped around her waist. It took several moments before she realized ’twas her husband’s arm. A sense of contentment she knew she had felt before filled her to her core.

She snuggled more closely, soaking up his heat, blissfully gratified to know he hadn’t left. Closing her eyes, she listened to his steady breaths as they caressed her neck. This, this is what I have longed for. This.

Relishing in the feel of his bare skin against hers, she sighed most contentedly. He had loved her for hours last eve to the point her bones felt as strong as jam. Warmth enveloped her when she thought back to the delightfully wicked things he had done with his mouth. She cared not if what they’d done would be considered sinful or unseemly. What happened betwixt man and wife was no one’s business but their own.

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