Black Richard's Heart (The MacCulloughs #1) - Suzan Tisdale Page 0,100

the wheels on a handcart. “Ye dunnae care if I befriend her?”

“Of course not,” he said as he pulled his boots off.

“Well, will ye please tell Rory that? He didn’t seem to like the fact that Marisse and I were talking to her.”

Richard chuckled and gave a slight shake of his head. “I am certain he was only trying to protect yer reputation, lass. But aye, I shall inform him that I see no problem with ye befriending Keevah.”

Feeling rather victorious, her lips curved into a warm smile. “Thank ye husband.”

She couldn’t wait to go and see Keevah on the morrow.

Chapter Eighteen

With the repairs done to every cottage and hut near the keep, Aeschene worried over how she would keep Raibeart and Colyne occupied. In hindsight, she shouldn’t have, for there was plenty more work to be done.

Much to her delight, Richard announced he and his men were going on a hunt and Raibeart and Colyne would be joining them. Oh, how she wished she could have seen the pride she was certain beamed in the young boys’ eyes!

The hunting party left just after dawn. Richard left Lachlan in charge of the keep as well as Aeschene’s protection. Just what she needed protection from, she wasn’t certain. But if it gave her husband a measure of comfort knowing someone was watching over her, she wouldn’t deny him that.

Aeschene and Marisse had formulated a plan as it pertained to Keevah. They were bound and determined to befriend the young woman, no matter what.

Lachlan did not appear the least bit thrilled to be playing nursemaid to two grown women. But he did take his duties quite seriously.

As soon as they were done breaking their fast, Marisse and Aeschene headed to the door. Lachlan raced ahead, opened it for them, and followed them out.

Aeschene and Marisse ignored him as they walked through the gate, down the path, and right up to Keevah’s door. Lachlan didn’t utter a word. Instead, he stayed back, on the path, and watched.

Marisse tapped lightly on the door and waited. Moments later, the door opened just a crack. All she could see was one eye peering out.

“Good morn to ye, Keevah,” Marisse said cheerfully.

The eye darted from Marisse to Aeschene.

“We were wondering if ye would like to join us for the nooning meal,” Aeschene said with a hopeful smile. “Most of the men folk are away on a hunt. We thought mayhap ye’d like to come up to the keep.”

“Me?” Keevah asked incredulously. “In the keep?”

“Aye. Ye, in the keep, with us, for the nooning meal.”

Finally, Keevah opened the door and stepped outside. “M’lady, I dunnae think that is a good idea.”

“Why not?” Aeschene asked. “Ye are a member of our clan, are ye nae?”

“Aye, I am.”

“All are welcome at our table,” Aeschene told her.

Keevah looked pleadingly to Marisse, then to Lachlan as if to say someone truly needs to explain the way of things to the lady.

“Hattie is making rabbit stew,” Marisse said by way of enticement.

“She makes the most delicious rabbit stew,” Aeschene added.

“And sweet cakes,” Marisse reminded her. “Dunnae forget the sweet cakes.”

Keevah looked once again to Lachlan for help. Smiling at her, he gave her a nod. “They will not give up until ye accept,” he told her. “So ye might as well give in.”

Aeschene held her breath, waiting patiently for the woman to accept their invitation.

Reluctantly, Keevah finally agreed.

Marisse and Aeschene felt rather victorious as they hugged the surprised young woman. “Good!” Aeschene exclaimed. “We shall see ye in a few hours.”

Taken aback by her lady’s invitation, Keevah stood on the path long after the women left.

Keevah arrived right on time with a loaf of dark bread and a crock of berry jam as a gift. During the meal, her eyes kept scanning the room as if she were a warrior on heightened alert, waiting for an attack.

Although there were a few surprised faces on the serving maids when they saw Keevah at the table, they were able to maintain their shock. Alyce, it seemed, went out of her way to be kind to the young woman.

They enjoyed a lovely meal together as they chatted and got to know one another. Keevah’s nervousness slowly faded as she grew more and more comfortable.

Lachlan stayed in the background, carefully watching and listening. Occasionally, he’d grin and shake his head when the women laughed and giggled.

After their meal, they moved to sit by the hearth, soaking up the warmth of the fire. Marisse had already taken note Copyright 2016 - 2024