Black Magic Sanction Page 0,212

ran through me.

"Don't stop, don't stop," I panted as he hesitated, my chi roiling with energies.

"Rachel, I can't wait," he breathed, the hint of desperation igniting me. "Not yet," I moaned.

Hesitating deep in me to prolong it, his lips found my breast, and as he pulled on me, I felt him touch the line again. The glittering heat pounded in waves from his mouth to my groin.

And suddenly, I couldn't wait either. "Oh God. Pierce!" I said, eyes wide and unseeing as I felt my aura melt to match the resonance of the line. Like an exquisite ping of eternity, I became one with the line he was drawing on.

The energy that had been flowing from Pierce to me suddenly flashed in reverse. Pierce gasped. His head came up, eyes wide in shock. Scrambling, I reached after the energy, pulling it back as the first hints of it dove through him.

What in hell had I done?

Whatever it was, it was our undoing. Pierce's breath hissed in. With a groan, he climaxed, his hands clenching on me. My body reacted, and wave after wave cascaded through me as I did the same, adrenaline igniting my being.

For a moment we hung in bliss, unaware of anything other than the perfect sensation of the line and our souls in perfect alignment with it. And then it was over, and I took a breath.

With a soft sigh, he dropped gently on me, and I opened my eyes, staring at nothing. God, that had felt good.

"Ive never before... had anyone... learn how to commune with a line... while under me," he said, starting to chuckle. "Rachel, you're a quick study." He hesitated. "Could you, ah, be of a mind to let me go?"

I could hear him smiling from his tone, and I blinked. Commune with a line? When I'd been eighteen, I thought communing with a line meant tapping into it, but now I was wondering if it really meant matching your aura to a line in order to jump into it or... whatever that was we'd been doing to each other. "Sorry," I said, dropping my hands from his shoulders.

"No, I meant a little lower."

I flushed red. "I'm working on that," I said, embarrassed, but it was kind of nice doing the nasty with a witch, where I didn't have to explain myself. Biology was grand. Male witches were not as well endowed as humans, and to make up for it, we girls had a couple of extra muscles that didn't let go right away. I didn't have control over it, actually, and the saying was that the better the sex, the longer it took. Right now, it seemed like it might be a while.

A faint glow showed in the lantern, and Pierce rolled us to our sides to get his weight off me. Stretching, he reached for a fold of blanket, giving me flashes of his anatomy until we were covered. Propping his head up on an elbow, he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'm in no hurry to mosey off," he said, but he was hiding a wince.

"Oh God!" I said, thoroughly embarrassed now. My body was betraying me. "Pierce, I'm sorry. It's been a few years since I've been with a witch, and I think the hormones are overcompensating." This was utterly mortifying.

He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "I'm not of a mind to complain. I should have taught you how to shift your aura sooner. I swan, I lost it when you traced a line through me. I didn't know it made a body feel so all-overish."

All-overish? I blinked when the light went out and he gathered himself to me. "What time do you think it is?" I asked.

"It's dark," was his answer. "Go to sleep."

Our legs were intertwined, and I could feel things loosening up. I didn't think this was quite what Ivy had in mind when she said to be smart. Or maybe it was. Sighing, I tucked my head under his chin and listened to his heartbeat. His arm was over me, and I was warm. I was warm inside and outside. Everything. This was a damn fine hole in the ground.

"Thank you, Pierce," I whispered, and I felt my hair shift when he chuckled.

"I opine you'll feel different when your business partners fill your head with gum-flapping nonsense."

He sounded irate, and I pulled back, trying to see him and failing. "When have what they said ever changed my Copyright 2016 - 2024