Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,8

placed it against one of the vases and took a final sweeping look around the room. She was satisfied that this was a refuge for her friend.

The barking of the dogs signaled that Fergus had arrived. It was almost as if the dogs had a special yelp for every individual. Smart critters.

The English lilt in the background confirmed it was Fergus as he handed out treats to the dogs. “C’mon, girls, there’s enough for all.” He also knew to keep treats handy.

Myra often worried that the dogs would get fat on all the treats they got. Charles would argue that they had the run of the property and availed themselves of it regularly. “Enough cardio for all of us.”

Myra went to the master suite and picked a casual pantsuit and light-colored blouse. After checking her makeup, she slipped on a pair of flats and headed to the kitchen.

“It does smell delectable.” She gave Charles a peck on the cheek.

“You are looking quite fetching, my dear.” Charles eyed his wife. Of course, whatever she wore or didn’t wear, she never looked less than beautiful to him.

Chapter 6

Charlotte settled into the comfortable seat next to the window. A flight attendant approached her and asked, “May I get you something to drink?”

Charlotte thought for a moment, then said, “Yes, champagne please.” She was feeling good. Writing to Myra was the best thing she could have done for herself; Myra always knew what to do and what to say.

Charlotte had come from humble beginnings. Her father had been the groundskeeper for Myra’s family farm. During the Civil War, the farmhouse had been a way station for the Underground Railroad, and the tunnels beneath it had remained ever since. There had also been a few small outbuildings, which had served as sheds and feeding stations over the years.

She, Myra, and Annie would sit in one of the old sheds and tell each other stories. That was when Myra had first encouraged Charlotte to start writing, which had led to her becoming a very successful author of children’s books. She had married, had a daughter, divorced, and kept writing. All through that time, Myra had been building her own empire, Mary-Ruth Candy, which had made her one of the wealthiest women in the country. That was when Charles had entered the picture.

Charles had recently relocated from the UK, with a résumé to rival James Bond’s, British accent included. However, if you saw the actual résumé, it would be redacted to the point that no information could be found on it. He had convinced Myra to hire him as head of security for her company, assuring her he could handle all her needs. At the time, little had Myra realized he really meant all of them.

Charlotte was going through each of the women in her head. There was Nikki, Myra’s adopted daughter. Thank goodness for Nikki. After Myra’s daughter, Barbara, was killed, Myra tumbled into a deep depression, until one day she seemed to have awoken from the pit of despair and had a new lease on life. Perhaps that was what Charlotte was feeling now: a new lease.

Then there was Annie. Anna Ryland de Silva. The countess. What a hoot she was. Annie and Myra had been friends even before Charlotte met them, but they had always made her feel welcome. Annie was wealthy beyond anyone’s imagination. Some said she was the richest woman in the world. Maybe she was. And she seemed to know everyone, as well. Quite the mover and shaker but unassuming. She and Myra both dressed the way you would expect a housewife from Queens or Staten Island to dress. Except for maybe those rhinestone boots that Annie affected.

Charlotte didn’t know the rest of the girls well. She had met a few, but it was always in a large social or business setting. She knew about most of their backgrounds and the crazy accusations that they were a vigilante group. Charlotte could not comprehend that her dear friend would be doing something so controversial, although it did sound exciting.

The plane departed on time, and after two glasses of bubbly, Charlotte was given a blanket and pillow and dozed off for the duration of the flight.

The ding when the overhead lights came on startled her awake just in time to hear the captain say, “Ladies and gentlemen, we are making our final approach to Dulles Airport. Enjoy your stay and thank you for flying United.”

Charlotte pulled out a compact mirror and lipstick and Copyright 2016 - 2024