Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,75

let’s just say, out of the ordinary.” He pretended to ponder the request before saying, “But with the resources the countess has, I am certain she wouldn’t have someone working under her roof who did not have impeccable credentials.” Decision made. “It is a supplement. Therefore, I would not be asking someone to administer drugs. If the nurse has no problem with it, then neither do I.” He knew he was lying, of course, but that was standard operating procedure in their racket. He couldn’t remember the last time he had told a patient the truth.

“Thank you, Doctor. Of course, I’ll ask Annie, I mean the countess, for her approval.” Charlotte was relishing her new role as supersleuth.

“By all means.” Marcus had taken on a whole new attitude. He was convinced his luck had changed. He pressed a button on his phone. “Gloria, would you package up Mrs. Hansen’s vial and syringe? She will be taking them with her.”

“Righto,” came the reply.

Gloria returned to the doctor’s office with a black bag containing the mysterious liquid-filled vial. Charlotte was beside herself with excitement, anticipating how proud Myra and Annie would be of her little coup.

Marcus escorted Charlotte to the small atrium area, where she waited for Myra and Annie to finish up their tests. He practically skipped back to his office and sent a text to Jerry. Coffee. Six sugars. Five o’clock. He knew he was doubling his normal order, but he was feeling quite upbeat. A quarter of an ounce of cocaine should get him through the week and possibly the weekend. As soon as the women were finished with their tests, he would go to the jewelry exchange and pick up both the real diamond bracelet and the fake one. He knew he had to be careful not to mix them up. He could get killed if he mistakenly gave Franny the fake one.

An hour later, the women went to the atrium area to meet up with Charlotte, who was having trouble hiding her glee.

Marcus joined the group. “We should have the results by late tomorrow. Do you want to arrange to come in the day after?”

“Let me check my calendar.” Annie pulled out one of her phones. “I have a meeting with a caterer and a fund-raiser.”

Charlotte took the opportunity to interject her contribution to the con. “Annie, you are not going to believe this, but Dr. and Mrs. Marcus live at the Plimsoll!”

“You don’t say?” Annie put on a most dumbfounded expression. “Now, that is quite a coincidence.”

“Indeed it is.” Marcus was shuffling his feet the way the creepy kid Jerry did.

After a short silence, Annie added, “If you and your wife are free, please join us. I’m expecting about forty or so people. It’s what I call an impromptu fund-raiser for the kennel club. No set price. Sort of a ‘come as you are’ party and bring your checkbook!” Annie laughed. Charlotte was almost giddy.

Marcus was atwitter with anticipation. “We would be honored. I’ll let Norma know.”

“If she wants to invite any of her friends, that would be fine, too.” Annie grinned. “As long as they make a donation!”

“We wouldn’t want to intrude,” Marcus said thoughtfully.

“Not at all. The more money, the better! Half past seven. Day after tomorrow. We’ll make our appointment to come back the following day.”

“Fantastic!” Marcus wasn’t sure what he was more excited about. The cocktail party, the cocaine, or the money. Probably all three. Unbeknownst to Marcus, of course, all of them were part of one big bomb that was about to blow up in his face.

Gloria set up the appointments for them to return in three days. The next appointment after that would be in two weeks. Obviously, none of them would be keeping either one.

* * *

Marcus hustled across town to the jeweler. Eileen was not far behind. He was in and out of the shop quickly. A few minutes later, Eileen entered the shop and walked over to the jeweler.

“Good afternoon. I am here to pick up a package for Dr. Julian Marcus.”

The jeweler looked confused. “I beg your pardon?”

“Dr. Marcus? Julian Marcus? He sent me here to pick up an order for him,” Eileen said with complete confidence.

“But he just left.”

“Now, that’s odd. He specifically told me to pick up a package. Can you tell me what it was that you gave him? Perhaps he meant something else.”

The jeweler hesitated for a moment. The woman looked quite businesslike. And who but Marcus would send her? Perhaps it Copyright 2016 - 2024