Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,61

successful bidder, or buyer in this case, makes arrangements for security and transportation.”

“What if the person is not ready to take possession? What do you do with it?” Myra asked slyly.

“In this case, we do not actually have the painting on the premises. It’s at a holding facility, awaiting international clearance, customs, and all.”

The wheels were spinning in the women’s heads. They could barely get through the rest of their lunch. Lots more idle chatter ensued, but Annie’s knee was bobbing up and down under the table. These boots were made for walk-in’. . . , she said to herself, chuckling.

“Victor darling, this was a wonderful treat to see you.”

“For you, anything.” Victor embraced Annie, then Myra, and gave a hug to Charlotte.

Victor headed downtown as the women made their way east to their hotel. Annie was practically jogging and was dodging oncoming pedestrians, dogs, and bicycles. Charlotte could hardly keep up.

“Ladies! Please! Slow down!”

Myra looked over her shoulder at Charlotte and said, “You should see her drive!” She slowed down so Charlotte could catch up. “Let her scamper off. She has to stop at the crosswalk. I don’t think she’d take the chance on jaywalking! Not with all this traffic.”

Myra and Charlotte caught up to Annie, who was waiting for the signal of an outline of a person to turn from red to white. Myra pointed. “They have a countdown so you know how many seconds you have before you get hit by a bus!”

The three women crossed the busy street, entered the hotel, and made a beeline to the elevator bank. As soon as they caught their breath, they burst into laughter. Annie put her hand up, and they all high-fived!

Annie was the first to whip open her tablet. “Looks like Charles has some information. Apparently, Avery and his team are going to extreme lengths to get deep.”

“As he should, after the fiasco during the Forrester mission.” Myra stroked her pearls.

“Remember, Myra, that really wasn’t his fault. Charles and Fergus gave him the instructions,” Annie recalled.

“Yes, I know, and they paid dearly.” Myra started to laugh; Annie followed. They had been infuriated with Charles and Fergus for changing up the plan. Luckily, everything had turned out fine. More than fine.

They pulled out their phones and dialed in to conference with everyone.

Charles started. “I trust you are enjoying your holiday?”

Murmurs of “Uh-huh,” “Yes, we are,” and “Indeed” flowed through the lines.

“Splendid. London, office and flat are bugged. Vault in office contains cartons of green bottles numerically labeled. Photos match those from Charlotte. Casoro jewelry safe in apartment. Operative was able to get a look inside. Lots of diamonds. Women’s jewelry. Sending photos to you. Dr. Marcus has been visited by that drug-delivery bloke, Jerry Hardy, twice. Marcus seen traveling crosstown to a jewelry store. Items bought or sold not yet confirmed.”

Annie was opening the photos as Charles continued. “I also suspect that given the amount of jewelry in the safe, his visit to a jeweler’s across town is not a coincidence.”

Myra leaned over Annie’s shoulder to look at the photos. “Impressive,” Annie remarked.

“Was able to get Marcus’s bank records. His wife likes to spend a lot of money, which is evident from that cache. He’s barely making it from one month to the next.”

Myra was taking notes. Charlotte was mesmerized.

Charles went on. “On to Aspen. Trust-fund baby. Likes expensive cars. Waiting on inventory analysis. Avery got footage of contents of vault. Same, probably identical packaging. Green bottles. Hundreds. He’s in Vegas for car show. Avery will stay in Aspen to get vehicle inventory. Isabelle and Alexis visited Marjorie Brewster in the nursing home. She is still in a coma, but when Isabelle mentioned Steinwood’s name, Mrs. Brewster started twitching, which set off alarms. Practically got the girls tossed out.”

“That’s incredible. A physical reaction to a name.” Myra contemplated. “I suppose it was best the girls left. They could have done more damage.”

Charles moved on. “They’ll be visiting the hospital tomorrow to check the medical records, especially her admission forms. They should be on their way back day after tomorrow.”

“There’s nothing we can do about Mrs. Brewster’s condition, but there is something we can do to help pay for her care. Now that we know Steinwood’s soft spot.” Myra fiddled with her pearls again. “Do you have info on Dr. Corbett? Because we certainly do!”

“Please. Share.” Charles could imagine Myra beaming and brimming.

“Annie’s friend Victor told us Corbett has arranged to buy a Chagall that was allegedly found in an Copyright 2016 - 2024