Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,50

Sasha wondered how many times the woman had been asked that question. Sasha surreptitiously placed the listening device on the back of the orchid plant, expressed her gratitude, and trotted out.

Checking for sound, Sasha plugged in her earbud. Yep. She could hear the woman rustling about. The phone buzzed. “Yes, Dr. Corbett. Today? No, we have no other patients on the calendar for today. Was there someone you wanted to see? Someone you wanted me to contact?” She listened a moment. “Okay. Fine. Thank you. I’ll lock up after you leave.”

From what Avery had shared, it seemed as if these men didn’t put in a whole lot of hours, except maybe Dr. Marcus. Still, Marcus didn’t appear to have any more patients than his partners. But, then again, the doctors had been surveilled for less than two days.

Sasha looked around for a café and tried to spot where Corbett had parked his car. It must be in the back. Sasha was waiting for the receptionist to leave, but then it occurred to her that she might be parked in the back, too, so she listened very carefully for the sound of nothing. Once she felt it was safe to make a move, she would ride her bike to the corner, stash it, then make her way to the back entrance on foot.

Satisfied the office was empty, Sasha carefully walked to the back door while checking for security cameras on poles, rooftops, trees. Not too bad. She scurried behind a few trees until she was directly across from the door. She needed to walk at an angle to avoid one on the corner of the building next door. She fired up her pack and checked for an alarm system. Yes, but not engaged. She wondered if the receptionist was still there. She had already had one close encounter that day. She’d gladly skip more of them if possible. That box was tight.

She picked the lock, disengaged the alarm system, and proceeded to place the listening devices in the same places Eileen and Avery had. And the security camera in the closet.

She was in and out in less than eight minutes. Having the blueprints always gave one a leg up.

After the ten-mile ride back to her motel, Sasha tossed the wig into her bag, peeled off her clothes—boy, did she need a shower—and decided to try the little roadhouse on the other side of town. Maybe some honky-tonk music would be nice. She had had two very busy, productive days. What she really needed was a massage, a facial, and another massage.

Chapter 27

The war room

Charles could hardly keep his stiff-upper-lip demeanor as he reported back to the women. “Sasha has completed planting the surveillance devices. Three offices and two residences are now covered. By this evening, we should have Dr. Marcus’s flat covered. As far as Dr. Steinwood’s going to Vegas, do you think we should have Avery tail him there?”

“I think Avery should find out what is in that garage and the house. With Steinwood away, that should give Avery better opportunities to drill down to what brand of underwear he wears,” Annie said smugly. The women snickered at the remark. “We know why he’s going to Vegas. We need to know what he’s doing in Aspen.”

“Righto,” Charles replied.

“Bummer,” Alexis teased. “I was itching for a few slot machines.”

“Not this time.” Myra smiled. “I think we’ve found Steinwood’s passion, so to speak. Expensive cars. We need Avery to find out how many he has.”

“Roger that.” Charles sent off a message to Avery.

“After meeting with Victor, we should have a good idea of what Dr. Corbett’s hobby is, and after a day or so of surveilling Marcus, we should have his. That’s when the game gets serious,” Annie reminded them.

“I have some pretty good contacts with car dealers. Had to haul a few trailers in my day,” said Kathryn, who had finally arrived at Pinewood. “I can take on that part once I get back from the Michigan trip. That should take only three days.”

“Perfect.” Myra beamed.

“This is all so complicated,” Charlotte observed, awestruck by the complexity of how the sisters went about a mission. Then she giggled. “You should start your own private investigating company!”

The sisters hooted.

“We have much more in our toolbox to offer than surveillance. That’s why we have Avery and his team,” Nikki reminded her.

“Well, I’m just along for the ride,” Charlotte said gleefully.

“I was hoping you’d be Annie’s and Myra’s chaperone,” Charles joked.

“Chaperone?” Myra pretended to be Copyright 2016 - 2024