Bitter Kisses (It's Just High School #3) - Thandiwe Mpofu Page 0,59

see the blood still pouring out of Kristine like a fucking river.

“You need to take her to the hospital right now,” I say in a rush, wrapping the baby up in the sheet, less dusty than before.


“They might both catch an infection and Kristine will bleed out. You need to take them, now.”

“I have to take you out of here. I fucking promised,” Cole barks, the authority in his voice not to be missed. I look up at him and my God, I see clearly why he and Julian are best friends now. They’re both sexily alpha and so damn strong. On another day, I would have liked this show, but right now, I have to convince him to do this.

“I know,” I whisper then look at Kristine with a smile on my face. “You have a beautiful baby girl, K. Well done.”

“Jesus Christ, it’s a girl?”

It’s clear she didn’t know. I have no idea if she even had proper prenatal care but none of this will mean a damn thing if Cole doesn’t rush them both out of here.

“It’s a girl, K,” I nod, relief making sweat dot my brow.

“What am I going to do with a girl?”

“Keep her alive, for starters.”

Running on nothing but pure adrenaline, I quickly get up and grab another sheet ready to double cover Kristine who’s covered in so much blood, the other sheet is soaked. Cole can’t carry her into a hospital looking like that, it will raise too many questions that I’m sure none of us can answer without feeling the wight of the trauma sustained from this one day.

Making contact with the sheet, I grab it but as I turn around, I catch something so horrible in the corner of my eye, it makes my stomach sink.

Both Sean and fucking Shane are beating Julian up. With a metal bar and then I hear a pop.

Chapter Sixteen


“No!” I scream, panic and fear mocking me as I look at them. Julian looks up and our gazes immediately clash. I stare at him in horror, my chest squeezing in terrible gut-wrenching agony.

The moment Julian sees me though, I can almost guess what he’s thinking as he takes my face in, the rest of me hidden by the shelves in the warehouse and old, rusty machinery.

In that moment, Shane looks up and sees me standing there. I see the beginnings of an evil smirk forming on his ugly mug just before he mercilessly starts kicking Julian, laughing loud about it.

I thought Liam was with Julian, but he’s alone. Liam is nowhere to be seen and maybe that’s a good thing.

I see Julian brace himself, trying his hardest to compose the anger I see so clearly in his eyes that have hardened to a glacial coldness that makes breathing painful for me. he but all that goes to shit when Sean starts talking about how I taste and the how tight I am.

“You see her! She belongs to us now!” Shane says, laughing. Then he turns and starts coming my way. I’m pretty sure this is what they wanted, to torture me and out up all the dramatics while Julian watched, but that’s the wrong thing to do.

An animalistic growl erupts from him and I see him getting up like a gladiator, stunning me and I’m pretty sure both the assholes who thought they had him pinned down. In a blur, Julian quickly grabs the metal rod they were using to beat him—the same one I assume they used to bash me across the head—and turns around to use it on them.

I hear Sean start to yell and scream like a little bitch and then Julian turns on Shane and hits him just as hard, just as brutal but at the back of his knees, and he goes down with a cry.

Julian throws the rod away and then he quickly turns to Sean with a look of pure rage I’ve never seen on his face before and starts pummeling Sean’s face in with his bare fists.

Watching it all, I should be horrified as I see blood dripping on Sean’s face. I should be sickened and disturbed seeing Julian be this violent, this angry and seemingly unreachable in his quest for justice but I’m not.

The truth is this is justice. Our justice.

I want Julian to break them as they broke me and return their treatment of me tenfold with change.

Julian is not my avenging angel, he’s far from it. He’s a dark, dark knight in a chipped Copyright 2016 - 2024