A Bite to Remember Page 0,98

you a threat to the rest of us. A threat that could have been easily avoided if you'd just fed off the other driver."

Jackie sighed in defeat, knowing it was true.

"So," Christian continued, "you can practice on Tiny and?

"Oh, no," Jackie interrupted firmly. "Fine, I see the need to learn how to read thoughts and control people, and I'll even acknowledge that there might come a time when I need to bite a mortal, but I'm not using Tiny that way."

"It's okay, Jackie," Tiny said soothingly. "I don't mind."

"Well, I do," she said grimly. "We've been friends for too long for me to intrude on your thoughts like that, or use you as a pin cushion."

"Then who would you like to practice on?" Christian asked dryly. "Tiny is the only mortal around. Besides, at least he's given permission for you to read his mind, so you wouldn't be intruding on some unsuspecting person's thoughts."

Jackie frowned at his argument. It was one of the things she disliked most about immortals, when they rudely tried to read someone else's thoughts. But Tiny was giving permission. If she practiced on anyone else, it would probably be without permission.

Sighing unhappily, she gave a brief nod. "Fine, I'll practice reading thoughts and controlling minds and bringing my teeth out, but I'll do it on my own time. Right now we have a saboteur to catch."

"Actually, right now you have a funeral to get ready for," Vincent said. When Jackie turned a blank face his way, he reminded her, "Stephano's fake funeral. You thought it would be a good idea to hold one."

"Oh, yes," Jackie murmured. They had started the preparations with a view to keeping the fact that Stephano had survived a secret until he could wake up and tell them who had attacked him. However, when he'd awoken and not been able to do so, she'd decided it might be good to go through with a fake funeral. She was hoping the saboteur would show up at the funeral and somehow give himself away... Or make another attempt on her. It was also necessary to continue to keep him safe. She didn't mind herself being bait, but wouldn't put Stephano in that position.

"Come." Vincent stood and caught her hand to pull her to her feet. "The funeral is at six P.M. We still have a couple hours. You can try my sunken tub. I'll scrub your back."

Jackie smiled despite the blush that colored her cheeks at the offer and allowed him to urge her to the door.

"I folded your clothes and set them on your bed," Tiny announced as they started through the door and Jackie groaned inwardly as the door closed behind them. She'd forgotten about her clothes left scattered around the office. And he'd seen she wasn't in her own bed when he'd taken the clothes up to her room.

"Tiny knows," she whispered with embarrassment.

"Everyone knows. We weren't exactly quiet last night and this morning," Vincent murmured gently, sliding an arm around her as they walked to the stairs. "Do you mind?"

Jackie met his concerned gaze, then shook her head. She was a bit embarrassed, but other than that didn't mind if everyone knew what they were doing. She just wished she knew what they were doing.

Chapter Sixteen

"Neil must have closed down the office so everyone could attend," Jackie said as she peered around the crowded interior of the funeral home.

"He did," Vincent acknowledged. "He wanted to be sure the saboteur could attend. He's as hopeful as us that the man will show up and somehow give himself away."

Jackie nodded, but thought the problem now would be that梕ven if the saboteur came and did do something telling梩here were so many people in attendance they might miss it.

"Actually, Neil is more hopeful than us," Christian commented. "Stephano's making him crazy. He's feeling fine now and is getting irritable about being stuck in that hotel."

"Irritable isn't the word," Neil commented dryly, making his presence known as he joined them in the corner where they'd taken up position to watch the room. "My brother is as grumpy as hell. He wants to get back to work."

"That's understandable," Vincent commented.

Neil just arched one eyebrow and added, "He also wants pictures."

Jackie blinked. "Pictures?"

"Hmmm." He pursed his lips and grimaced. "He wants to see who attends, and who's upset, and if the funeral is nice."

As the others fought to keep their solemn expressions at this news梠ne didn't laugh at funerals桱ackie bit her lip and said, "Well, as

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